chapter 5: Say my name

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Othman's POV:

Waking up today feeling a bit light headed,my eyes were open staring at the ceiling but my mind was far away from here,thinking of all the work I left in the office untouched I might just give Suzan a call to help me deal with them,right now I have to stay at home with my...wife.


What the hell do these people want.

"Hello" I heard her speck with in a low voice.

Why is she picking my phone call,I looked by my left and found my phone resting on the drawer untouched..she's on the Phone,with whom? .

"Oh yeah,sorry I didn't save your number I forgot...I'm good I'm good how's everyone".

Is she talking to another guy?.

She chuckled  "okay,I will see if I have one".

I take the comforter off from my body,putting my self in a sitting position I try to relax my self the headache keeps getting worst every time I move,where did I put those painkillers .

"Oh he's awake let me give it to him then then" she walked up to me smiling like she won a lottery,anytime I see that smile It hurts me that I let my anger get the best of me by hitting her the other day,I stood up before she came any closer,she's so small I think I could carry this girl with my finger..this girl?.I mean my wife.

"Its your mom" my mom why didn't she call my cell,and how did she get hers,instead of asking any further questions,I gently took the phone from her hand she looked away from me immediately.

"morning " I greeted taking a seat on one of the sofa's,and looking at Maryann's direction, she sat on the bed puffing the pillows .

"Othman,how are you?"

"Im good,has Zahira arrived yet" this time she looked at me but I looked away from her,but couldn't help glacing at her direction again.

"The driver would be picking her at the airport anytime soon" .

"Oh" was all I could say now.

"The dress code for tomorrow would be grey,purple or black you know Zahira Love's those colours don't worry I told Maryann already" my mom is really excited about Zahira's coming,mom loves all her kids but surprisingly she loves me more than any one else,I think she loves me more than my father.

"Okay,would that be all?" I questioned  brushing my hand into my hair,I don't know I woke up really tired,lazy and in pain today,i need more sleep.

"Yes yes, good  to her".

I chuckled a little the kind she likes.


I looked up to see her but she was not there,taking a look back at her phone I saw her wallpaper it was a selfie she took with another girl,they both wore matching lipsticks.

"Maryann" I said dropping her phone by my side and resting my back more to the soft sofa,rubbing my temple.

She rushed in with a smile,why does she always smile anyways,and it always makes me feel bad,okay now im feeling worst ,I put my hand on my eyes maybe that would stop or probably readuce the headache"do you have any purple dress,grey or black any"i care because well I would like to present my wife in the best way in front of my family.

"Yeah your mom told me so I went into my closet to look for the colors,and I found some and I Wanted to show you,maybe you could help me pick" she talks to much.

I don't know how long it took me to answer her but I replied with a "show me".

She walked in holding about 4 dresses in her hands,still in her pajamas why are her pajama pants so big?.

They are bigger than mine,no lie.she dropped three dresses on the bed and held one to her body, is she trying to hide her figure from me.

she looked really pretty in this,well not really pretty...okay and presentable I guess.

"This one" I tell her before placing my hands back to my eyes massaging it softly.

"But you haven't even seen the rest" is she pouting.

"There is this one" she turns dropping the dress that was on her hands and picking the purple mixed with grey dress from the bed.

She continues"I like it better than the black one" she is absolutely right this one looked better,but I won't let her think she's right.

"Anyone you want,Maryann".

She sighed and picked up the remaining dresses from the bed"So how old is Zahira" Zahira is 21.

"How old are you" I asked her instead.I know her age but I just want to hear her say it.

"I'm 19,but I would be 20 by September"

September 23rd yeah I know,I stood up from the sofa heading to the bathroom I guess if I take a hot shower the pain would reduce,probably would take some pain killers afterwards .

"Zahira is 21" she murmurs a silent 'oh'

"you know this is actually the first real conversation we have had since we married".

"Good" with that I closed the bathroom door.

Maryann's POV

"Anyone you want Maryann"
"How old are you"

I still can't stop thinking about our conversation,he is in such a good mood,I'm so happy,I can't remember the last time I was this happy since our marriage.


I love the way he says my name .




"Ma'am its me maria ,what would you like for breakfast Mr McKinney said he would like some tea only s-".

"I would like the same thing"


Dont forget to put a smile on my face with your





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