chapter 16: An acquaintance

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Maryann's POV

"I'm on my period"

I had to say something what was going on here a little bit too intense for a social gathering if someone walked in on us,I can imagine how embarrassed I would feel,Zahira maybe or even worst Omar I really suck at lying,really I do I could have just  said 'we should stop' or 'not here' but I had to pull out a red flag.

My first kiss..i don't even want to start thinking about that because i would turn red inside and out.

We walked out of the beautiful room,Othman lead the way holding my hand and lightly playing with my knuckles,as we walked down the marble stairs kinda looks like ours back home but this was much wider than ours,before getting to the end of the stairs Othman turned "I want to show some of my relatives to you,if you don't mind" his voice low and husky smiling at him I shake my head a little I smile a lot these days "no I don't mind" I mumbled.

We went from the garden to the kitchen to the living room and all in all I met 16 of his relatives most of them were girls... or did he just show me the girls and not the boys because of Omar besides most of them were his cousins some where of my age and some were like parents to me most of them didn't know Othman was married,i guess the news didn't go round I met his mom's younger sister,and they look so much alike,my parents don't really do events like this,for I would love to show Othman my own side of the family,but Othman didn't show me one person

His dad.

We were sat on A couch in the living room downstairs kinda like the couch we were on the last time I came here,he was on his phone typing as usual makes me remember the day I spoke to him on one of these sofas and he didn't reply me

I mentally cleared my throat"Othman" I called using my sweetest voice.

He looked up from his phone to me.

"Mm" And he went back to typing what ever he was previously typing.

"I haven't seen your parents today" your dad I mean.

"Oh,they should probably be in the garden,right now" he answers me well,but his eyes move from his phone to my lips then finally my eyes.

"Let's go its about starting" He continued.


Luckily we came here on time,the event was just starting,about 50 chairs all covered in a golden material that had black stones on it were all arranged neatly facing the little podium that was one stair up,a huge portrait of Mrs McKinney and her husband was up there, and a huge banner which had 35years written on it with a cursive handwriting,the portrait must have been made years before even Othman was born,because Mrs McKinney looked really young so did her husband, which I'm yet to see.

People were already on there seats as I looked around for two empty seats "don't worry ours are at the front" he noted,I followed him to our seat, we sat with Zahira and there cousin named 'Minahill' I suppose,four seats surrounded a table and so we were complete.

Family members kept coming up on stage giving speeches on  Mr and Mrs McKinney or however Othman's parents and making duas for the family,I begged Othman to go but he refused,twice.

His parents however were sat together on the front seat facing the podium and i could see her smiling from her side view and her husband also when relatives gave there speeches,People started taking leave after they had eaten there meal,I still sat because Othman wanted to show me his dad face to face,I have only seen him once,he is my dad's friend but I don't really see my dad's friends that well.

We met Mrs McKinney and after showering me with duas and telling me how beautiful I looked today,she finally told us were her husband Mr McKinney was.

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