Chapter 24: paris

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Marynn's POV

He picked the phone after he asked if it was okay and I nodded for him to,he put it on speaker and kept it on the table

"Othman.." Her girly voice was what I heard now

"What ?" He spoke after seconds

"Please I want to apologize and also I want to speck to Marynn"

"Why" he blurted out

"I just want to also apologize to her,i really regret what i did I don't know if we could meet up to apologize personally"

"She's listening"

I take in a sharp breathe I don't even know what to say to her I don't want to talk to her wallah

"Marynn.. I do-" I clicked on the end button and Othman smirked

"I don't want to talk to her or even hear her voice"

"Well then let's block her calls" and I actually smile at him now,he pressed on his phone and then looks back at me

We dropped Zahira off at her parents and I stopped in to greet his parents Mrs McKinney were extremely happy to see me,which turned my mood completely.. Seeing her and her reaction when she saw me really made me happy

From his parents we went home with Fatima...Othman and Fatimah became good friends all of a sudden they kept on having convos with out I wasn't even in the car,we got home,I showed Fatima to her room And she didn't stop saying OMG over and over again

I left her to go change into something comfy,I roughly push the door open And I see Othman pulling his shirt to his body and his jeans hanged really low around his waist, I struggled to peel my eyes away from his body as i walked pass him and into my closet I picked out a black T-shirt and blue jeans I peaked outside and Othman wasn't there..good

I changed into a towel and walked into the bathroom,I looked at the mirror,my face was okay Alhamdulilah, so sign of tiredness or stress I stepped into the shower,after making sure the bathroom door was locked

I came out of the bathroom and steam from my hot long shower camee out from the bathroom to our room when I opened the door,I closed it and dried my body with the towel before rubbing some cream on my body,I tied my wet hair in a messy bun

I walked to my closet and wore my outfit,I turned around and I let out a small scream it was Othman,how long he has been standing there

He smirked " were you watching me"


Hmm.."I will be downstairs " I murmured

"I would be leaving in Two days" sadly!

"Oh well,I'm also resuming in two days,atleast I have Fatima with me while you are gone"

"When are you resuming"

"on Monday too" i will start my registration

"Good luck..I will get you a driver before you resume"

I smiled"Thank you"

"I will come downstairs later,I have some work to do now"

"Okay" I mumbled

I walked to Fatimas room..but she wasn't there,I got downstairs and I see her using her system on one of the sofas

"Skype?" I questioned then she nodds

"Okay I will call back later" she says to who ever was on the other line then shuts her system down

"Who were you skyping" I wiggle my eyebrows at her

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