Chapter 30: Sick and tired

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Sorry for the wait almost a month,please if it has been long you read best before marriage just go back and read chapter 29 then read this chapter to not get confused

*Eid Mubarak* to my readers

Othmans POV

I stepped out of her room and Zahira stepped in it with out sparing me another glare i went back to the doctors office to get more information concerning  Maryann

I walked in after a short knock she was behind her desk reading a piece of paper whilst twirling on her seat,he office was still white with a touch of sky blue,her table was still the same from the last time i came in here with Maryann except for the fact that she had a new water dispenser by the corner of the room

"Mr Othman,please take a seat" she stopped twrling and sat straighter as she spoke

I sat on the black Avanti Executive Chair with Flip Arms infront of her desk she faced me with a smile "she would be alright she just needs to rest more and not think of things that would make her feel bad,we dont want her to get any negative emotions i gave the nurse a list of meals she should be eating,for the time being"

I nodd my head and waitied for her to continue "oh..and she can go back home in twenty four hours"

"What about the baby"she smiles to this question"oh the baby he is healthy,she is on her seventh  month she would be due in two months " a sigh of relief escaped my lips"well,thank you,i should go back to her"

"Speaking of the baby,you haven't been coming with her for the past few months,she kept on saying you were not around or busy or even at work" she spoke with a serious face like she was telling me a new business idea,well Maryann never lied
"Yes i have been a bit busy?but I'm back now In Shaa Allah " i stood from my seat avoiding any further questions im really not in the mood now

"Alright,i would  be there with you in a minute "i stepped out from the office, nurses in light blue scrups walking around the place,i got to the elevator to head back to the floor were Maryann was,i pushed onto the button that had 3 on it and my phone buzzed,i pulled it out from my pocket and the caller id was Zarah

Bad timing

"Hello"  i answered

"Asslamualaikum,Othman i heard Maryann fel ill,hope she is well" when Zarah was told i was married she wasn't shocked,and she was actually looking forward to being marynn's friend,but the thing is i would never look at her like the way i look at Maryann

"Oh she's doing better "i answered blankly waiting for the elevator doors to open up

"Alhamdulilah,well that was why i called,how are you?"i thought she was a shy person?

"Im good,i would give you a call later I'm busy right"

"Okay,good night " her cheerful voice turned taciturn

Zahira sat outside holding a box of tissues, when she looked up to me with a sad smile i gave her a confused look "what's wrong and why are you holding tissues"

"Its complicated,but she knows about the wedding "

" i know" i answered her walking to the door

"You really shouldn't she's in a bad mood and,mom is in there" i ignored her and walked right in

Maryann had her eyes closed in which i assume she was asleep,whilst mother was sat on the sofa starring from her to me

"Asslamualaikum" i mumbled 

"Waalaikumsalam,what did the doctor say?" she answered

"She's okay,she just needs to eat and rest"

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