Chapter 2: What did i say?

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Othman's POV

The wedding went just as I planned, simple not over the top just simple my family members came and we tied the knot, I told my driver to drive Maryann to the house, because I had to go back to the office for another  meeting today of two hours.

After changing into my work clothing's which was a navy blue suit, I drove to the office immediately, there was a meeting today I tried avoiding it but they needed me, after some hours of being annoyed by some workers I got to my car a breve check on my phone I saw a missed call from my mum.

If I don’t call back now I might not call later. I pressed on radial and her name flashed on my screen.

"Hello Othman" Her cheerful voice was all I could here from my speakers, I connected my phone to sync, so I could still drive and make calls .

"Mother, I saw your call, I was in a meeting.” I spoke trying to reduce the air conditioner as I started the car.

"A meeting! What about your wife? “ My wife?...oh her I swear I almost forgot. I brushed my hand into my hair, which defiantly needed a new trim.

"It was an important couldn't wait." and that was the truth.

"But your wife could wait on the first day?...You just got married to her today and you leave her all alone in that house is that how to treat your wife Othman, I will call her tomorrow and she better tell me all the nice things you did to her, you’re married now you should always Put your family before your work." Her words sank into me. My mother was the only one I listen to in the world and she knows that. Well I guess this is what it means when they say when you’re married you have to settle down. And with that she hung up, she actually hung up on me.

I stopped by a grocery shop and brought a box of chocolates, All girls love chocolate right? But Fatima always loved diamond's. The thought of Fatima came into my head, and I grew more in anger. I never thought even for once that I wasn't going to marry her.

I drove into the house and see rolls royce I gave the driver to drop her was parked nicely by the corner and I to parked next to it.

I walked into the house and was greeted by the sweet smell of vanilla and the maids I gave them the chocolate to take care of it ,making my way to the master bedroom.

I swung it open seeing a frightened Lady starring at me like I was a known murderer or some kind of kidnapper, the girl I saw from the picture was completely different from the one starring at me, anyways I really don’t care.

"Assalamualaikum" she greeted. Why were her stuff her. I asked them to take it else were. This was my room.

"Waalaikumasalam" I mumbled  to my self.

After taking a hot shower and making my way to bed I start replying some emails the important ones that had to be done tonight. When I felt the other side of the bed shrink in.

I remember my elder brother told me about the dua you should make on your wife. I waked over to her side. “sit up straight.” I ordered. And she did as i told.

I placed my hand on her forehead and the first thing I noticed was her face was wet. “Allaahumma inni as’aluka khayraha wa khayra ma jabaltaha ‘alayhi wa a‘oodhi bika min sharriha wa min sharri ma jabaltaha ‘alayhi (O Allah, verily I ask You for her good and the good of what You have created in her, and I ask seek refuge with You from her evil and the evil of what You have created in her).”.
I dropped my hands and immediately she called for me.

Mother said she would call her and ask her how I have been to her so, answering to her questions would do well yeah? I looked at her brown eyes and little eye bags, this was the first time I actually looked at her. And truth be told. She is beautiful.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"Er..I wanted to know if your are feeling better you looked angry when you came in" she looked from my eyes down to her fingers.

"Uhm.i am, Do you want some thing?" I questioned .

She shook her head and with that I walked back and flicked the switch button which turned the lights off and I drifted to sleep.

Maryann's POV

I woke up to pray fajr and Othman was still sleeping, I decided to do my wudu first if he hasn't awoken when I'm back I will probably have to wake him up myself, sadly when I came out he was still on the bed sleeping.

Wallah I wanted to wake him up, but he looked so dreamy his eye brows were arched, his nose was pointed and his perfect  pink lips were in a thin line.

(Fajr is the morning prayer).

"Your mother never told you its not good to stare at someone while they were asleep..huh?" His voice came out husky and I immediately came back to reality.

I jumped placing a hand over my beating heart and turned my hands covering my red face "I'm sorry I just wanted to wake you up for fajr." I say to him while my back faced to him .

I heard his feet touch the floor and he sighs "turn around".

I turned slowly my gaze lowered he was still on the bed, but in a sitting position "Now listen to me my mom is coming today and when she comes I want you to tell her after I came back from work we went out for dinner and what ever good things your brain can think of-" I cut him. "you want me to lie to your mom" he gave me a look that says 'shut up'.

He stands up and now he was a feet close to me he was really tall, taller than I expected , I felt so short in front of him, well I was short in front of many people  "when ever I am talking to you, you don't say anything unless I tell you to, have I made my self clear" what?.

What did I do to him I stare at him confused and short of words, not only does he want me to lie to his mom, but he is talking to me like I was his student, what the hell?.

"Okay" I reply with my gaze still lowered he didn't wait for me rather he took off to the bath room and made his wudu and left for the masjid I wore my hijab and prayed in the room tears filling my eyes.

What kind of life did I get my self in too.

Helllo hope you enjoyed this chappie dont forget  to







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