Chapter 3: He loves me not

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After fajr I wasn't sleepy so I decided to take a tour around the house and I found out that there was a huge swim pool and there were about 5 maids each with a different duty, they all greeted when they saw me with a 'salam' one of the maid's named Maria asked me what I would like to eat for breakfast.

At home I am always  the one who cooks the food because I was the only female child and besides i love cooking,I asked Maria to let me cook the food because I felt it was wrong for a woman who was about my age cooking for us,she told me Mr McKinney told her to always cook the meals,and I didn't argue anymore.

I also found out the house had a huge  library filled with books I found a book by William Shakespeare that caught my interest but decided to come back later for it,never knew Othman was a reader,he doesn't even look like one.

I entered the living room to rest for a while but i saw Othman sitting on one of the sofas on the phone I turned around quickly before he could see me and walked upstairs to our room to take my bath.

finally some alone time.

I took a shower,rapped a towel around my chest and went to my walk in closet,Othman said his mom was coming today so I decided to pick something nice,all the clothing here were new and they were brought by my cousins,I heard Othman gave my father some money to buy me new cloths and boy did they buy me some cloths.

I picked out a white dress and a light brown kimono on top and to stop the kimono from flying when I walk I will put on a dark brown waist belt around my waist after finalising I dropped them on my bed


Fatima's name flashed on the screen I smiled,ahh finally something to brighten my mood.

"Yes,Fatima"i replied.

"Some one is sounding matured already...Tell me everything that happened,how was your first hug? No tell me about the first kiss how was it did he use a language to it,probably..French"

she laughed at her own joke,when I didnt,because i knew how the first night went.

"Well haha,nothing happened"I replied.

"What do you mean nothing happened"she asked with a serious tone,i walked over to my body cream was,opening it I put the phone on speaker so I could rub my cream onto my body whilst talking to fatima.

"Yeah nothing..I don't want to talk about it so,tell me,gist me how is school" rubbing the cream on my hand and then applying it on my face.

"School is okay,Mr Angus keeps asking about you" I laughed Mr Angus saw my picture on her phone's wallpaper one day in class and ever since he has been asking for my phone number he gives Fatima extra marks just to make her give him.

"Well he would be waiting a long time"
We both laughed.

"Who would" I heard from behind me..when will this man ever not frighten me.

"Wait Maryann is that him...oh my gos-".

I quickly hung up before she could finish and add more to my embarrassment,I can't remember the last time I got this embarrassed not just because he heard a bit of my conversation but the fact that I am in a towel and it stops mid thigh.

"Good morning" I managed to say .

"Who was that" he asked, he came to a halt when he was behind me he looked at my face through the mirror that stood infront of me and I was doing the same thing.

"Em..that was my Friend Fatima" I reply this time looking at my fingers.

He sighed "my mom would be arriving any time soon, when she comes tell her I would be down soon and don't forget what I told you,and please put some cloths on" he said angrily,before making his way to the bathroom.

He doesn't even speak to me like I am his wife, I feel he doesn't like me,I bet he was pushed to marry me,now i truly believe he was.

"Do you like chocolates" he asked me standing by the door waiting for my reply

"Er..m..Yes I.i do" I'm not really a big fan of chocolates I prefer ice cream but who I'm I to tell him that.

"Um,Ask the maid Maria to give you what I told her to put in the refrigerator for me" he didn't  wait for me to say thank you,before he shut the doorbehind him.

He did buy me chocolate and the expensive kinds but there was no time for tasting his mom was coming the maid already made food for her when I checked so I grabbed an Apple to put something in my stomach,before her arrival.

I heard a knock on the door and I saw one of the Naid's going for it,but I told her not to,i was going to go answer it My self.

I opened the door and a woman who looked  about fifty five  years of age greeted me with a smile,she's defiantly his mom they looked  so much alike.

"Assalamualaikum" I say to her giving her a warm hug.

"Waalaikumsalam,Maryann you look so beautiful and your outfit Ma Shaa Allah, my son is really  lucky to have you" I smiled the kind of smile I give my mum when she tells me I look beautiful.

"Speaking of my son where is he" she looked around.

"He is upstairs,he would be down soon" wasn't that what he said I should say.

"Okay good good,I thought he went out again,so how has Othman been treating you,so far even though it was just some hours ago you guys got married,but i just wanted to make you comfortable" she smiled the kind that could change any moment.

Well he hasn't been talking to me,sometimes I feel like he wants to slap me im the face,and then punch me in the stomach,I'm afraid I don't think he loves me,he is my husband but he hasn't even touched my hands not that I want him to...okay I do but he hasn't and it makes me sad,oh and are you sure he wasn't pushed  to marry me?,because I was,and I believe he was to!.

"He has been good,Alhamdulilah" I smiled with a lie .

"Ah..Ma Shaa Allah I'm now at peace"she says putting her hand on her chest displaying her beautiful gold ring and bracelets.

"There you are,I have been looking every where for you" I heard Othman's voice but then he suddenly grabbed me gently by the hand and pulled me to him, What the hell is going on?

"Mother, welcome" he said and his mom and  I could only smile but mine  didn't reach my eyes,why is he being so nice,why is he acting!

His mom smiling happily"I knew my son would be good,I think I should go and leave you two love birds alone".

We both laughed acting like we are as happy as ever"Yes you should after eating"he says his hands still with mine .

We sat on the dinning table while the maids served the meal to us I wanted to help them,but Othman kept stopping me with his deadly stare .

The next question his mom asked made me drop the spoon full of food I was about to put in my mouth.

How do I reply to this.

Dont for get to






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