Chapter 21: Password?

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One is Othman
Another is Omar
And then another would be zahira's BF

I don't know which is which,so you decide who you want a PIC to represent 😁 and comment your choice 😊

Marynn's POV

This system means a lot to Othman,I remember when he was telling me all what he had in it..I think it would be best to let him get home before telling days he would be so angry about this

I picked up as many pieces as I could find and put them all on the coffee table,I finally walked down stairs to make dinner,but as I thought Maria made it already, I would really like to help her one day,but the maids are awfully quiet you would never know they are actually around

I ate my pasta quietly I checked my phone to see if I could find any new message from Othman,but zero

Around 7pm I heard a car roar down,I saw the front door slowly swing open showing a beautiful man talking on the phone,let's hope its not with Khadija...I seriously need to stop with the assuming

"Yes,yes..just tell bash to send me the records before the end of the week" he heard another thing from the other line before hanging up,he had no bag with him and he always goes to his office with one and he wears a formal wear,but he is in sweatpants...hmm

"Sorry I had to go back to the office,and arrange who will go to London on my behalf this week "

'Oh' I mumbled..I hate this moment when you are about to tell someone what you did for them when they were away especially when its something bad

" today I received an email from my school and I wanted to open it with a laptop,and you once told me I could use yours before you get me one"

"Yes, thats why I gave you my credit card,I thought I would be leaving today,but don't worry I will buy you one tomorrow, its late now" how sweet

"Thanks.. But,what actually happened was that...I..I used yours instead... I was a bit to anxious" I play with my fingers when I get nervous

"You know my password?" hey! don't remind me that your password is Khadija

"Yeah..Khadija" I wanted to roll my eyes but I just looked away from him instead.. And he gave me a confused look

"Yes,dont feel bad about it tho thats my moms name" what the sh#t, Mrs McKinney name is Khadija goodness i was thinking its Khadija aka Mrs big eyes..see why I told you o stop exaggerating

"Oh..I'm not angry about the password" well,I was..but that was after the incident..

"Then what is it,did Omar say something to you" I could see mixed emotions anger and jealously.

"No,no he didn't,he was actually a good company today...well I,I accidentally tripped and fell and your laptop flew away from my hands and its in terrible shape now,I'm sorry"

"What do you mean terrible broke it" he asked when I didn't answer
Placing his hands on his eyes sockets

I nodded my head slowly my gaze still lowered

"Where is it?"

We walked up towards his room,and he roughly pushed the door open

"Oh wow" he murmurs

"I'm really sorry Othman" I stood by the door with my back on it

I heard a silent sigh escape his lips,and he picked up some piece's,seriously that was a hard fall

"I hope you're not hurt?"I couldn't stop the smile forming on my lipa

"No I'm not"

"Well,at least I'm happy about that,come"

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