Chapter 26: welcome home

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I stood anxiously for the doors to swing open and reveal my Othman, I wore a grey grown his favorite color,it was a grey turtle neck grown with beaded designs at the upper part,Fatima picked it out for me and I have to say she choose well,I didn't want to dress so serious, but I just wanted to surprised Othman and also put something nice all just for him

I stood anxiously for the doors to swing open and reveal my Othman, I wore a grey grown his favorite color,it was a grey turtle neck grown with beaded designs at the upper part,Fatima picked it out for me and I have to say she choose well,I didn't...

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Fatima decided to stay upstairs she says she doesn't want to see Othman and I hugging and kissing that it will make her puke,as if,she loves seeing stuffs like that

The knob of the door twisted and before I knew it I saw my Othman in a dark shirt and blue jeans,his eyes grew when he saw me but I didn't even wait for him to say something, and I jumped on top of him with a hug he wrapped both hands around my lower back and before I knew it he  realised me a little and gave me a small peck on my lips

I came down from him and I noticed something in his right now..he got me flowers, how did he know what color I was going to wear today, the dress matched exactly with what I was wearing,he brought the flowers to his chest and smiled down at me

"I saw this on my way back from the airport and thought of you" oh Othman, I took them from his hands and gave him yet another hug,but this was much,much longer than the first

"Thank you"he smiled before taking my right hand into his left and we walked up the stairs,he stops and twirls me around with his left hand" this dress..." He starred at my body maybe the dress for another second"makes you look beautiful wallah" I smile shyly and continued taking my steps up,leaving him behind as he continued with slowly behind me

"Thank You... were is your box"

"Its still in London,you know I'm still going back" i made an 'o' shape with my lips as we walked further more "were is Fatima" I looked over to her bedroom door

"Oh she's inside, sleeping..I guess"

We got in to his bed room and he sat on the bed before pulling his shirt off"please find me what to wear,I want to shower then change" I stood by the sofa and he couldn't stop starring at me "okay" I mumbled before going into his closet,I turn to him and I see him pulling his trousers from his seating position and I looked away before he sees me starring,wait no I will stare I remember vividly when he was stalking me as I changed into my clothes I pulled a dark blue shirt and turn to him I see him in his underwear his back turned to me and i feel my face heat up,he was typing on his phone obviously because as he turned to walk to the bathroom he threw his phone to the bed I turned away to his wardrobe  and pulled out black shorts for him I have never seen him in one

They were folded already so I put the shorts on top of his shirt and placed them neatly on our bed,his phone buzzed behind me and i turn to see Mrs McKinney's name pop up 'Mother'

I reached for it to tell her he was In the bathroom "hello" I answered


"Yes Mrs McKinney"

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