Before Knowing POV Finian

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Finian's POV

Trees, grass, brush all fly past in a blur, staring out the window in the back seat, my brother has the front with my father. It's suppose to be my seat, I gave that up.

Radio with it's noise drowns out the quiet. Silence can be calming yet deafening all at the same time. I'm glad my mother never came, I can't handle the look of disappointment in her eyes when she looks at me, I'm nothing but a massive failure to her.

"Fin, are you sure about this?" My father's eyes in the rear view mirror, I have his eyes so does Grey.

Meeting his stare easily, I can hold his gaze without a second thought, it comes naturally to me.

"Yes." That's all I can say, nothing left to discuss everything has been said. All the fights, screaming, all came down to my last words to them....

I'm dying inside...

My mother said it was a juvenile phase I was going through, that I have no idea what those words mean..I'm dying inside...she huffs out her breath. "You pups have no idea how hard it can be, you have it so easy compared to where I'm from-" her words still echoing in my head, I really feel she blames herself, that she was too soft on me.

My brother in the front seat is the spitting image of myself, it won't be such a terrible transition for the pack to accept him as an Alpha. He is almost just as strong as I am. He's always pushing himself, always improving himself.

He's a leader, not me.

He was born for it, unfortunately, he was born second, I was first.

A matter of minutes separated us, yet the future holds my oppression and his freedom...lucky wolf. Never having to grow up with everything on his shoulders, free to be anything he wants. Me, I had the thumb of the pack constantly on me like a giant bolder on my shoulders hunching my back.

Grey turns around in his seat giving me our look, as if to say are you sure brother. I nod my head yes to him.

Stopping the car in the drive of the Western Pack, my father gets out. Closing the door, it's going to be the first time Grey and I are separated ever.

Everything we do is always together.

"Show those Easterners who you are Grey, call me." That's it, that's all, no other words needed.

Grey's hand grasps my forearm, squeezing it tight before he lets me go. I nod my head towards him. My father gives me my bags, his discomfort over this is hidden well. A mask is worn with years of practice.

His hand grips my shoulder, squeezing it. Lips are in a firm line, his eyes bore into mine. "Are you sure Fin." Again he's trying to give me a chance to change my mind.

"Yes." That's all I can give him without me breaking down. I look away, I can't take that look of his that says I'm making a giant mistake but it's my mistake to make.

The Western Alpha comes out of his home, a smile spread across his face, saying "Shamus."

My father extends his hand, he slaps it away bringing him in for a giant hug...."It's good to see you, glad Elizabeth let you out for a few days."

"It's good to see you, it's been too long, Peter." They look like long lost friends about to catch up on old times.

"Peter this is my male Finian." Putting my hand out I meet his eyes not looking away, I shake his hand firmly, the proper way I have been taught. His grip is firm, power that stands the hair on my arms up.

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