Climbing Sideways (Part Two)

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The dismal day hangs low in the sky while regret and shame vulture's me wherever I go. Riding each shoulder as if trying to replace my demon for the top spot. She makes sure to chase those feeling away with her special brand of pain and disappear.

Watching Victoria train with the other wolves brings a cringe to my face. She's always going for the weakest spot on their bodies but not understanding they are now understanding how she fights. The quicker ones can roll out of her advancing fist, saving themselves from the pain she can inflict even if it's just training. Her hits even with her being gentle are still a lesson in hurt.

This male stands up as her next opponent, the fur on my neck wants to bristle upwards because his eyes are lingering all over her chest as if he has every right to look at her. Victoria oblivious to this over indulgent wolf who needs to be taught how to look at a queen properly. They start their sparring match; it's not long before he's belly up on the ground. She puts her hand out to help him up, instantly his foot kicks her's out from underneath, she topples down on top of him.

This is not training anymore this is him feeling her up in the disguise of training. I usually have such civilized control watching Victoria train with male partners more so than the female partners because they are more sly with the way they want to handle her.

Bitter jealousy never tasted so acidic the way my throat is burning with the corrosiveness of it.

Projected possessiveness rattles the forward movement of me. With ease I pick her up off of the male, almost giving her skin a little nip. It's with a wrestlers elbow I fall on top of the male making him gasp for air. Now my body is positioned just the way Victoria's was, no smile now on those lips of his.

"Tell me wolf is this an appropriate position for us to be in?" Claws are inching their way up towards his neck.

"No," Fear's voice ringing out. The shakiness of it is causing ripples in the air.

"I saw you with my own eyes looking at her, touching her." My nose now on his neck while my body lays flat against his.

"We were just training." He's trying to roll me off of him without any success.

"Don't deny it, you'll look pathetic." A gathering crowd is forming a semicircle around us.

"Put your hands on me just like you had them on my Queen." His hands are slowly cupping underneath the rise of my ass.

"Is this appropriate?" My calm is being pushed away by the wolf who wants to say a quick hello.

"No." His voice sounds as if he's starting to lose it as it's cracked out.

"You're not to fight her anymore. You will fight me every day for the next two months in the morning be here before I get here." His punishment will show all these other wolves how serious I am about Victoria not to be handled in certain ways.

"I want everyone out, Victoria, please stay." It's not a long wait for these wolves to scamper out, while the wolf on the ground rises, I can't help putting my foot on his bare chest, crushing it. His face turning red as his lungs can no longer pull in a breath. His lips will turn a shade of blue soon.

Letting off the pressure only for my heel to come down in the center of his sternum, hearing the familiar crack, the pain to him is quick and sharp. Grabbing onto his chest, curling his legs into a fetal position to protect himself from more damage. My fist coming up for that perfect strike to a jaw that will have him eating baby food for a while.

"Fin stop, you can't kill every male that I spar against, you won't have any males left, and I need training partners." She's just watching with eyes that saw how I cracked the wolf's chest with just a heel placement in the right spot.

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