Cord Of Life

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Victoria's POV

Something catastrophic must be happening to Fin, something so devastating that it's affecting me through our shared bond.

I can feel everything he's feeling, every injury he's sustaining. The crush of bones, the loss of blood, pain so deep it's a struggle to breathe. He's unable to keep the bond between us shut down, he's a torrent of rage, anger, pain, regret....the last of his thoughts are regret, deep seeded soul shattering regret. Our bond that's been woven tight is starting to untwist, untangle loosening...

This is where instinct is born from, fight or flight. 

Adrenaline, pure and raw moving through my veins in giant pulses of power. Strength coursing into my flesh but bones remain paralyzed as if my spinal cord has been severed. Whooshing of blood in my ears muffling out Meela's screams.

An invisible embrace tightens itself around me, twisting and turning burning my flesh. A voice through the roar of my heart "breathe, in and out...breathe." A harsh stinging slap, leaving a red mark on my cheek. Trying to get me breath, to focus on instructions that I can't seem to grasp.

Elizabeth's shocked eyes, tears of hers that are sliding down my face. I try to take her hand, willing myself to move. I can't move, I can't even take a simple breath in. My body's going into shock, our bond is sustaining great trauma.

My face falling to the side, eyes are open, vision blurring. Meela supported now by Sophie, she has her hand. Meela's other hand cradling her belly. Drenched in sweat, head thrown back in agony.

Sophie tearing off Meela's shirt, pants ripping away, Meela's eyes shut tight, jaw cemented in place unmoving, stomach rigid with a contraction.

A reflection of light hurts my vision, the sun's rays catch on the silver blade of a knife Elizabeth is holding. "I'm going to take her Victoria." Our eyes lock for a second, I can't even nod my head in consent.

I can smell blood, lots of Meela's blood. Elizabeth's face coming back into view, not as crisp as before, duller, less focused. I try to take in another breath without success. Fading senses, no pain, the dress that I have on is being cut off with the sharp edge of a knife.

No one has my hand is all I think, I'm scared and no one has my hand

Dimming thoughts, Elizabeth over top me, breathing into my mouth, a rush of air filling my lungs. Senses crisper, her breath giving me life, an exchange of air. Her eyes look panicked but those hands remain steady.

"Grey" Meela's singular note wailing out, roars against me like an avalanche of thought.

Her forehead lined in pain, chin dropping to rest on her chest until her belly becomes rigid again, a contraction grips her, Sophie has managed to bring Meela up into a squatting position, holding all of her weight on shaky legs. Fluid and blood staining the new wood, light through the window gives a spotlight view of what's happening.

Another spasm slams in squeezing my chest tight. An unknown force is ripping and tearing at my skin. 

A fight for life, a flight from pain....

Elizabeth holding the knife, bringing her mouth against mine again, forcing life into my lungs that are having a hard time expanding.

Meela's eyes are squeezed shut, a look of grim determination as another contraction rocks into her body. Multiple females start filling the room, crowding around Meela, blocking my view. All their hands are on her, supporting her, giving her encouragement. Words spilling from mouths to push him out. Strength in a pack, all these females are rallying around her.

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