Knowing POV Finian

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Knowing POV Finian

Lips, stained the color of strawberries, smile towards me...

"Fin, come in." Sally splashes water from the bank. Taking my shirt off, charging into the water making sure I soaking her hair. She looks good in a bikini, skin golden from the suns rays. I pick her up by the waist before throwing her far into the water, fully submerging her.

Two other females come at me, I grip them in each arm, dunking them into the cool water so their hair is ruined. I can't help but laugh at them when they come up looking like drowned cats. They flash me teeth, only for my wolf to flash them his.

No matter how hard I try to suppress the wolf, he always will peek out at any show of dominance. He cannot be kept controlled well.

Alpha Peter has given me free reign never questioning anything I do...all he ever says is live the life you were meant to live.

Jumping into the paddle boat that sits along the shore tied to a fallen log that's submerged half way in the water. It rocks slightly with the small little waves that lap against the edges of the light blue bottom.

"Sally, get in, I'll take you for a ride." Her legs are muscular, I can see the outline of her quads as she pushes the pedals to make the boat move.

She's checking me out "you like that." I flex for her. She just laughs throwing her head back, "caught me."

"Sally." She stops me with her hand. Leaning over she kisses my bare shoulder, lips touching my neck. Her eyes meet mine before she brings her lips close. It's the closest a female has ever been to my mouth.

"Sally, I can't. I want my first kiss to be with my mate."

"That makes me want you more Fin."

She tries one last ditch effort, "Don't." That's all I say, making my tone more commanding.

She just looks at me frozen in her spot, her natural reaction to listen to an Alpha's order.

Confusion filters across her face "you're brother Grey, he's the Alpha right?"

"Yes, he's the future Alpha of the Northern Pack." She says nothing more, embarrassed about being rejected. We paddle back to the shore, a fire is blazing.

Some of the females already starting to prepare supper, just waiting for the flames to die down into coals. Alpha Peter is lounging in a chair, drinking gin in a large clear glass full of ice cubes. A female on his lap, playing with his hair. He has no mate, no pups but he does have a revolving door of females at his disposal. No wonder my mother hates it when my father comes to visit him.

"Finian, come here." I do as I'm told, he shoves the female off his lap. Taking a seat next to him he hands me a beer. I have gotten use to the taste, it isn't that bad.

I get to drink whenever I want, even in the morning. He has no rules really for me, I feel like I am finally able to take big breaths in. Today is my farewell party, going home in the morning. I really want to stay this has been so much fun.

"Fin, this could be yours if you want it." My chest tightens with the thought.

"I don't want it Peter." He doesn't let me call him Alpha saying that we're both equals, no need for formalities.

"It's a shame, such potential you're throwing away. You are wasting your gift. Well if you ever change your mind. It's yours, you just have to take it." Someone hands me another beer. We sit there watching the sun set in the sky, females parading around trying to catch our attentions.

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