Feast For Crows

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Victoria POV

Interest....the thought flickers like a faint star high above in the night sky.... the feeling is distant but significant for my wolf....

She has never had a feeling of interest for any skin before....could this be a prelude to something finer? She doesn't allow that feeling but me, I want to believe it's possible. I can feel him trying to strip my canvas naked, replacing those darken colors with new lighter ones...he's going to be using the arsenal the Moon has given him to work with as his base....building something more from the inside out....trying to develop something that the paint can stick to, grab hold of and stay.....instead of just flanking and peeling off...

His eyes are a shifting kaleidoscope that devours me shamelessly...like a potent drug, he infuses a promise of physical bliss....

Leaning his neck towards my nose, "smell me Victoria." His voice a commanding vibration of sound.

A euphoric rush pulses through my veins as I just concentrate on him...gentle hands trace shivers up my spine as if being touched by butterfly wings.....the feeling dances over my skin....

Tongue taste my flesh; he's giving me a moment of pleasure, only for me to enjoy.....holding me by the curve of my hips, his grip firm, his smell is right....The stubble on his face is sharp enough to chafe my cheek, igniting me...his teeth tug lightly at the collarbone of my neck. Fingertips brush against my sore jaw, quivering my skin with a mixture of pain and pleasure that has a sigh escape out into the air.

Stepping away from me, a pang of withdraw hits me already....I try to take a step towards him with a slight whine.....He smiles at this reaction, "You're in no shape for what I want to do to you."

Fin leans in stealing a quick kiss before turning away and unlocking the door to the bathroom. Great restraint....that's what his body is fighting..his whole body in tune with mine...he wants just to turn around and to take me hard against the bathroom sink..he intends to watch in the mirror as he has me.....I almost moan out to his thoughts....

"We need to leave." he grabs my good hand leading us out....he likes to lead me....and somehow I'm allowing this....

"Are you hungry?" he questions this out as we walk past Meela's old room...glancing in, Grey's on his knees at the side of the bed, and she's giving him a decent tongue whipping. I laugh at this...that little creatures violent voice is bringing that wolf to his knees....

Trying to sit down on the high back chairs, I grimace with pain as the ribs shift slightly inside me...a very light sheen of sweat appears on my forehead...Fin watches with a fire in his eyes...

"I'll talk to Grey about this," I say, "after all it's my fight, not yours."

"I'm not sure that I'm ready for that yet Victoria...I'm not sure I can handle you in a fight with him..."

"I think I can handle myself, I could have beaten him when I was younger, but my father interrupted our match." I fling the words out to him.

"That's when you were young juveniles; now Grey is a full fledged male...that's been trained better than you could have ever hoped for." His arms cross over his chest, as his words slightly settling inside me...the first doubt starts to appear in my thinking.

"He's more than you give him credit for. I'm not saying that you're not equal to him but if you do what I think you want to do...it won't end

well for the both of you....I just want you to realize this" He's regarding me trying to see if his words are sinking in.

"He will fight to the death is that what you want..to try and fight my brother to the death...." He's wants to make me see that this seeking of dominance isn't a sure thing.

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