Climbing Sideways (Part One)

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Thank you @Ocoee_Rae for the great song recommendation.

Balance is delicate.

Laughter coming from the living room, the contingent of females from the Eastern territory gathered around sitting on the couches, chairs, floor while Charlie crawls all around the room showing off, laughing trying to talk to everyone. She's a very social pup, always wanting to be in everyone's business, demanding to be spoken with.

Victoria on the floor is watching her daughter like a mother hen, reaching out a hand before pulling her into her arms squeezing her, kisses to her cheeks before letting her crawl again. My five-minute alarm is alerting me that it's almost Charlie time.

Smile widening as I walk into the room.

Blue eye cold regards me up and down now when I come into the room which is such an improvement to looking through me as if I was see through, I couldn't hold her eyes but now I can before she looks away to focus on something else.

Small steps forward on my hard road path.

"Females." Acknowledging the group that's made a special trip just to see Victoria and the Charlie. The elite team of females that Victoria personally took under her wing when she was the Alpha there has come to see their Queen.

You can tell by the way they look at her, they love her, respect her and would die for her.

Picking up Charlie who starts to fuss because we are leaving the party, bringing her to Victoria for one parting pawing before she's able to let her go.

Down the hallway, I can still hear their faint voices, "How are you, Victoria?" Becca, the one to ask the most important question first.

"I'm doing well; everything has settled down. We have our routine, and it's working out well for the both of us."

"If you need anything you can just ask all of us." Those words cause a rippling in my spine. It's almost as if Victoria has her own loyal pack inside my pack. Walking back into the group of females without looking at Victoria my eyes on Becca.

"Becca, what is it you think that Victoria needs from all of you that I can't provide for her? Tell me?" Becca's eyes fall to the floor.

"I'm waiting." Trying so hard not to seeth the words out and remain composed.

"We were just offering her our hand if she needs it." Becca raises her head slightly, shoulders back, not showing her teeth. 

"Why would she need all of your hands when she has mine." Now my face is very close to this female who has had my mate in all kind of ways.

"We just wanted to let her know she still has us if she needed us. We understand that she has your hands, but it's always good to know that she hasn't lost ours." This bitch, she must understand what I think because her head snaps down.

Victoria coming over and putting her hand on Becca's shoulder, she never touches me. I can see her fingers giving her flesh a little squeeze of comfort, those same fingers refuse to touch my skin. It's too much to let slide, putting myself between Becca and Victoria my nose going to Victoria's throat pulling in her fresh scent, the wolf inside rumbling out slightly.

A hand gripping into her waist pulling her closer to me, letting all these females understand that this is mine and only my hands should be on her.

Territorial sight spreading, this is my Claim no one will have access to her without going through my Teeth and Claw

"You're wasting your minutes on something that's not important." Victoria's eyes falling on Charlie in my hands. Shaking my thoughts away, trying to force down the distinct taste of jealousy that only females who can make Victoria smile, and easily laugh can bring. These are the wolves to be watched not the males these females who are cunning and will slide through the back door because the front is blocked by me.

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