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Finian's POV

The world is not made up of black or white, it's a mixture of those colors that gets blurred together, fighting each other..good vs evil...light vs dark...grey is what wins....a palette of color sometimes very light, some times very dark...and everything in between. We all live in the grey...

Stretching out in the bed has my feet hanging over the edges, toes scrape against the wood. Sheets to short to cover me up all the way. The worst part I can hear soft, deep breathing from the room next to mine. Both of them peaceful and deeply asleep. I swear my mother did this to me on purpose, a little single bed that I can't even stretch my full body on. Either I'm off the edge or my feet hang off. She knows how much I hate having my feet hang over the edge of something when I sleep, always hated it since I was a kid. For months now I have been sleeping in this room instead of where I should be, with my family.

It's my fault all this happened and I deserve everything I get, plus more. Sometimes when Victoria passes by my open door she just looks at the bed and shakes her head, laughing to herself.

The demon laughs with her, at me. His happiness knows no bounds when it comes to my misery. 

I select a good pair of tight boxers for her to see me in. I know she can't help herself, I like watching the way her eyes roll over my body. It makes feel wanted on a certain level, even if she has no intention of acting on her thoughts.

Walking into their room very quietly, I know my Charlie will be up soon. I like to wait in the rocking chair for her first stretches, a little yawn, maybe she will open one eye before she starts to root around in her bed for something to eat. I like to give Victoria the earlier mornings to sleep in, it's my time with Charlie. It's just her and me, I don't know what I'd do without her.

I notice the picture is off the wall again, I shake my head. She's been getting creative with her hiding places. A little game we have's the only thing we have going.

I put it up she takes it down. I just don't want her to forget that we could be like that again. I put it up to remind her I'm not giving up on us, she takes it down for me to understand she doesn't want us anymore.

Watching Victoria sleep, covers off of her, exposing her back, chest presses into the mattress. I can see an ass cheek. Black hair splayed all around her, hands underneath the pillow. It drives me crazy because I know she sleeps naked, nothing underneath those covers but flesh for my hands. They should be feeling her, I should be pressed against her. Feeling the beat of her heart in my chest.

A small rustling from the crib tells me the Queen has woken. Turning from mother to daughter, I'm met with a happy toothless smile. Her blue eyes the same as Victoria's make me smile. What a beautiful puu she is.

Picking her up, legs kick with happiness. I can't help but laugh at seeing this, someone likes to see my face. Most of the time everyone just casts their eyes towards the ground. No one really looks at me, except her, she looks at me and always smiles.

Changing her, I put her in something cute that will bring a smile to Victoria's face. I can always count on Charlie making Victoria smile when I can't.

Taking her in one arm, I bring her to her mother for a little kiss. Victoria turns over in bed, while I let Charlie have a little snuggle, I get a little look before the covers are brought up to her neck. Handing her back to me I always go for the quickest kiss, before she has time to react I'm always out the door.

Leaving her room, it's her space not mine anymore, I have lost that right, closing the door on what should have been, what still can be if given a chance.

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