Break My Pride

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Victoria's POV

A warmth that what wakes me, disturbance in the current of air that swirls around just above my back. No touch is felt as his fingertips hover over the exposed flesh.

Clutching the fabric of my pillowcase I put my nose to the material inhaling only my scent. What horrors await me today as flashes of memories of yesterday have my gut clenching tight with pain.

"Who did that to you?" Fin questions out into the stillness of the morning. I only hear the richness of his voice as it somehow sweeps over my body in such a way I actually feel it's rushing current. The mate bond cannot be denied, the effect is a hurricane in otherwise still waters.

Only the lightest touch is felt as his one finger traces the intricate lines of the whips marks. The lines, old and faded with time but a constant reminder of my pride.

"When I was young, my father schooled me in the art of obedience. He kept trying to break my pride over and over again." The truth of my words hangs heavy in the air between us. I keep my eyes closed sighing when he pulls his touch away from me, leaving me with an emptiness.

"Why are you in my room?" It comes out harsh.

He's violated my sanctuary with his presence the very air that I breathe in is now tainted with another smell.

This is the only place where I can truly relax and let my guard down, now he stands within these walls of my private sanctum....he has even taken this away from me.

"I came here to apologize for your brother." My chest squeezes tight with the thought of Elliot. Shutting my eyes I try to prevent the pain I'm feeling from leaking out.

"You should have told me Victoria." Regret is that what I'm hearing in his voice, I shake it off as I roll over getting out of the covers.

I feel the way his eyes take in my nakedness, the way they hover over every single inch of exposed skin. The smell of want pours heavy from his body, the bond no match for his resolve. No matter what he thinks of me, he can only fight it for so long before it overwhelms him...catches him off guard.

I don't hide my skin, there's no need to feign shyness, I'm not that type of female.

"You jump to conclusions too fast...that's not a quality in a good leader," I say this as I put on my sports bra and underwear.

"Can you blame me with your track record." Pulling my tank top down over my head facing him.

"Finian" Pointing a finger at him.

"I have only been with one male, one time only and unfortunately it was your brother. If it's an apology you're looking for you won't get one. I don't regret it." Pulling my jeans up, sitting on the edge of the bed putting on my socks.

"I only regret that it was your brother, I regret the pain it's caused you and him, I regret that in your eyes I'm tarnished beyond repair. I know you hate me Fin but it's nothing compared to the way I hate myself."

I'm starting to get agitated, bristling towards him. "Charlie was my best friend, he had a mate and children Finian, never could I do that...never." Trying desperately not to let my voice crack with the weight of what his death has done to my soul.

"If anything it should be me getting your apologies, you have had so many that when I look at you I feel an overwhelming shame for you."

I might not be his full height but in this room away from all eyes, it's just him and I. Looking directly into his eyes, challenging him to find any lies in my words.

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