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Victoria's POV

A slow grind that grates against my surface, the pull down, the rise up. I feel as if Fin and I are two tectonic plates trying to find a balance. I pull apart; he pushes closer...I try making space between us; he's there pulling us together. He's still the earthquake that has destroyed everything, leaving me a pile of rubble, trying to pick up my pieces...

Life keeps going on, no time to wallow in my self-pity...I need to move forward. I keep walking forward even though I am leaving the rotten pieces of me behind. It's a new, better me. The heaviness of guilt has been lifted off my shoulders; my guilt has been erased in just a second of time. I no longer carry a burden that made my shoulders hunch. Now I am without feelings of shame, his actions have cleansed me of that feeling, and it's so liberating.

In his eyes, I can see that burden weighing him down, that guilt that will have his shoulders hunched for a life time. He's ruined everything.

The transition of the North has been natural, all wolves excepting him as their Alpha, the way it was always meant to be in the beginning. He's a natural leader; the Moon has gotten what she wants. The true leader is in his place. His fate that he was always trying to hide from that he threw away has gotten him tied tight in his place.

The Moon will give and take as she see's fit, Grey keeps his life while Fin takes his rightful place. An ebb and flow of power, a give and take.

The pack needs leadership at this time; it needs order, rules, and strength from the wolves in charge. Without this, everything will crumble, without strong leadership, the bottom will topple the top. 

The pack demands the strongest of wolves.

I am still on his right, no need for turbulence, the ripple of doubt that can infect a pack from the inside, weakening it. I stand by his right always, just not as true mates. I need to do this for Charlie, she will inherit this birthright, and I will make it as strong as possible for her. It doesn't matter how I feel towards her father, I will be what this pack needs, their Luna. I will be the best Luna this pack has ever seen. I am making it my goal to rival Elizabeth's reign, and she was the best.

Everything I do is for my female to make it better for make her life better.

A knock at the door swings my eyes from Charlie, she's content, sleeping lazily in her life. It's how it should be for her at this stage. 

Full belly, warmth, love.

"Victoria, can I come in?" Fin asks now; he no longer has permission to just walk in. No one enters without my consent...especially him. This is my new sanctuary, the room I should be sharing with my mate has become my den for me and my female. It's warm, dark, safe. I can sleep knowing that she is safe. In order to get to her, they would come through me. At times in the night, I can hear his wolfs deep breathing from outside our door. I haven't looked, but I'm pretty sure he sleeps out there in fighting form, a protective barrier. That also makes closing my eyes easier.

"Come in." Getting off the bed, holding her tight. He comes for her every afternoon, so I can sleep or do what I want for just a few hours. It's harder than I thought taking care of her, the demands she brings. She might only weigh four pounds, but she is a greedy little thing. Always demanding to be fed, changed, held, rocked, it's constant. She rules us with an iron fist; her cries are an instant jump to her attention, what does she need from me? I admit he's the father I knew he could be. He is the most loving male I have ever seen with a female pup.

"How are you Victoria?" He takes her from my arms, kissing her lips, her cheeks, her forehead. Rubbing his cheek against her skin...his scent clings to her times I will smell the mixture of them to relax and calm myself down. I'm not sure what I would have done if I lost my little one. She is my smile, my heart. I look at them together, and a small pain hits my heart. I would love to wrap my arms around them as a family, but I just can't.

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