Can't Win Everything

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Victoria's POV

A voltage of pure energy seduces his body, caresses the flesh...never has he experienced this form of power...He's had little gluttonous tastes here and there but never's more than he could have thought possible...His wolf's dominance emanating out into the flock caressing them with security..with leadership...with his force and they are thankful to this King of wolves.....

He moves with liquid grace, weaving in and out of his pack...Smiling out into their happy faces, working the crowd.. the artist painting a colorful future for these some of them a real sense of belonging, he's their anchor....Nothing can challenge him, no one can take away their land their home, their family...

Howls and cheers greet his ears.....fingertips extending out for the briefest of touches. He's taking their scents in and they are all inhaling his in greedy gulps.

The sea of wolves ushers him into the middle, moving like a giant wave towards a massive picnic area....

The smell of fire and barbecue mix in with the sound of music playing softly in the background, laughter, young ones running around playing....just a hint of rain on the wind that tickles my face slightly with its gentle breeze. A squirrel digs up the soil, trying to hide her treasures for the coming winter.

I turn to my left watching Bryon standing slightly behind us...a look of a broken wolf trying to hold himself together by threads. I walk over to him standing beside him, watching Fin work the crowd as only he has the instinct too.

"I think what you did was selfless, you put your whole pack before your status and that takes great strength of character. I just wanted to tell you." I let my hand fall on his shoulder slightly not long just a quick touch before taking it away.

"I've been there Bryon I know what you're going through..."

"Does it get easier?" His words barely whispered out only for my ears, his admission on how hard it is....

"It's a struggle to recover." I'm not going to sugarcoat things make it seem easier than what it is.

I see Meela taking up a position beside her brother, a hand on his shoulder, nuzzling her nose into his side, cheek pressing into him. "Are you going to be okay?" A concern is in her voice, as she pulls her face up to stare into his eyes, really seeing him.

"Yes, I'll recover." Bryon's eyes fall to mine and I give him a small smile...Meela watches the exchange in curiosity.

He's trying to be strong in front of his sister, not putting any more stress on her already burdened shoulders.

"Meela!" A group of young females squeals their greetings out to her. She walks towards them with open arms...they embrace each other as a collective group. They giggle looking at Grey and Meela blushes. Hands go so easily on her stomach, kissing her in congratulations.

"Her friends have missed her, it looks like she missed them too. It's a shame it took this for her to be able to see them again." Bryon says this to me but his words aim at Grey with an intent to hurt him.

They usher her away from Grey like a cackle of hens, with their gossip and giggles.Her face is bright and shining, glowing almost...

"She's feeling better?" I turn my words to Grey.

"Yes, comes and goes. She wanted to come out and see everyone I couldn't stop her from getting out of bed." He sounds unhappy about this.

"Maybe it would be a good idea to go over there and meet her friends, show a little interest in what's important to her Grey. Just a suggestion."

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