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Finian's POV




All emotions being shown from Borson mimics in his oldest male's stare towards me.

If pups are made to see one way can the adult see another way?

The silver blade with its polished ivory handle returned to his mate. Again she grips the handle tightly, looking directly into his eyes before taking a small piece of fur from her pocket. It's winter white, the softest part of the underbelly of the rabbit it came from. Once clean she re-sheaths the ceremonial weapon in an old leather casing before Borson's hand goes out to claim the item back.

Reluctantly she hands it over.

Borson noticing that I caught the exchange angles his head with the corner of his lip slightly raised.

"I was expecting to meet your mate today, Finian?" He makes a show of looking around, almost laughing before his eyes falling on my marked neck.

"She was unable to attend this time." Saying this as if she might be here for the next exchange.

"It must be very difficult to be mated to that, but I suppose the moon knows what she's doing. Matching your mate perfectly to someone like you." His repulsion spits out of him in words. His son standing straighter watching his father while his own scowl on his face deepens.

"What does that mean, Borson?" The edges of my fur starting to rise. I need to remind myself that this is a peaceful exchange never has there been any fighting between the packs, ever.

"It means that the moon picks perfect mates." His condescending tone irritates me.

"Yes, she does pick out perfect mates to bad your mate doesn't think you're perfect." My turn to make a show of looking at his unmarked neck, the smirk I give him is dark; my own lip lifts to reveal a flash of white. Taking a step towards me, his son follows the action of his father standing side by side with him as if he would be a real threat to me. The toy spear clenched firmly in his grip, the silver tip points slowly at my throat.

Meela coming to stand by my side, shoulder brushing my bicep calming my rising fur down. She smells of sunshine on a cool day warming up the things she touches. My brother's a lucky wolf to have something so perfect for him.

"What about Victoria?" The demon slithering up my leg, its tail wrapping around my waist as it takes his position on my shoulder so he has a front row seat.

Is Victoria my perfect?

"We've made lots of food, would you like a plate to take with you? I know that you have a long ride back home." Meela's voice reminds me of a whisper on the wind, light, and delicate, her eyes traveling towards the Luna's pregnant belly. Meela giving her the softest smile of welcome.

"She's not hungry." Borson's gaze now on Meela except his voice is not filled with harshness for the Luna of the North. He actually bows slightly to her in respect, hands behind his back. His son doing exactly the same as him. Bessa now has her back straighter, without looking at Borson she takes the first step towards Meela. Letting her smile hit the corners of her exotic eyes, she's an oversees's beauty, eyes so dark they almost look black. Small colorful feathers attached to the ends of small scattered braids throughout her dark hair makes her look like a warrior princess except the far north doesn't train their females to become fighters.

"Thank you, I could eat." Borson's female feeling her pregnant belly. The two Luna's walking away from us, while Grey takes my left, Thomas stands on my right. My mother coming to stand with us approaching Borson with her hands outstretched, pressing her cheek against his and a squeeze to his shoulder before pulling away quickly.

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