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Victoria's POV

Sharp pupils, irises of pewter, neutral and observing take me in...such a pure color, a solid color.

A creeping angry haze has infested me....His infuriating calmness is just making it worse. It's all I can do not to bare my teeth at him..he's watching my eyes. His stillness just agitates me more.I want to fight yet he doesn't give into me...He acts like I'm a hormonal female.....almost as if a hurricane is ripping through my sanity.

"I need a driver and a car"...I snap at him...

"Why a driver?" He just watches me.....calmly.

"I don't drive. I was never taught!" I spit the words out at him. That's the first thing I'm going to learn when I go back home thinking to myself.

"You're taking this to far Victoria; I think you're overreacting...You need just to calm down."

"Calm down! I'm leaving." I bristle towards him the first act of aggression that he doesn't appreciate as he takes a very slight step forward, my wolf welcomes the challenge of his skin side...she would be able to take him...she has absolutely no doubts...I'm the one with the doubts now.

"I'm not going to be back and forth with you. If you leave, you leave...this will be on you, I'm trying."He says it without emotion....

"Don't worry Fin...I won't be back...You're whatever and whoever you want...obviously you can't do me without getting the bond involved. I just wish you happiness with whoever makes you happy...just think...." I give him a sweet smile.

"You can go back to being that bike that everyone gets's to ride on..." It hurt to say that, but I don't care....He could be with so many, yet with me...his true mate, he needs the seduction of the moon just to touch me....all the calluses on my heart have been ripped's bleeding, and it hurts. I want to make him hurt.

"Stop Victoria." My words are hitting home to him.

He takes a step another step towards me. "What? Did you not like my truth Fin? Did it hurt.." The tremble in my voice can't be masked..."Is this suppose to be my life...watching you tap into the bond just so you can be with you can touch me, am I that repulsive that you just can't be with me without the help of the moon." I yell out the words to him....I'm losing my composure..."I was feeling something for you." I shake my head with my own personal disgust.

"I'm such an idiot!" Fin takes another step closer. His hand tries to touch me, but I move away from him.

"Stop, I'm done with this, I'm dying inside, do you realize this." My shoulders start to shake as I lose my composure.

"You're just like my father but so much least with my father I knew I had no future...with you I believed that maybe things could go differently for me.... this was a start of something better. I started to trust you, the things you were telling me. I started to believe it...I started to believe." I shake my head again..."I don't need

the moon to touch you anymore; I don't need to smell you, I just want you." I can't help the tears that are starting to fall like a weak little wolf.

"You make me feel weak, I doubt myself constantly." My voice cracks, I'm having a hard time trying to get control, the burn that's settling deeply in my chest is expanding.

"I can't live a life with you if you can't even touch me...I can see it in your eyes, how...I'm not worth your real touch...but everybody else is...that's the thing, every other female is worth your touch but me. I'm not worth you" I'm wiping my eye with my sleeves.

"I need to say to you that I'm so sorry....just know that whatever hate you feel towards me...I hate myself ten times more...." It's at this moment I let him see what happened to me after he walked away from me all those years ago..How my father beat me, how I endured a year of every kind of punishment his mind could come up with...I still never broke underneath him...but at this moment I feel more broken than any form of whip or collar could do...

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