Strike The Queen

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Finian POV

The more my wolf descends into darkness, the more her wolf wants to ascend up.

Power draws power

Enthralling eyes.

Malignant, growing like a darkening virus, dilating her pupils into black orbs that can pull you into her deepening abyss. Her wolf is riding insanity's edge hard, almost to the point of it being too late for her.

Looking ominous, bristling, raising the fur along the ridge of his spine. He displays for his female what a male Alpha wolf is, the whole package. Nose wrinkling back, pulling his lips up to reveal his canines, sharp, deadly, effective to tear away throats of life.

He's putting on a show for her, peacocking around, giving her different angles to assess him. The height of him almost reaches Victoria's chest, on hind legs he's much taller. The weight of him could easily crush her ribs, but he approaches gently, claws clicking against the hardwood floors.

Bending down on knees, extending her hand to him. He sniffs it, while her other hand runs the length of him, feeling every muscle, every tendon, his hackles laying down with each sweep of her gentle hand. She's rubbing behind his ear, his jawline, he leans into her hand, while angling his neck to allow more access to spots he can't reach with his foot.

She's put him almost in trance induced state with just the touch of her hands. Victoria presses her cheek against his, while playfully nipping at his neck. Nudging his head into her her neck, imprinting her smell forever in his brain. There will never be a spot in this world that he will not find her, ever.

Deep emotions pouring off of Victoria, to hard to lock away. Her stomach rolling inside her, heart clenching wondering if other females have touched him this way? My wolf whines, her hand pulls away.

It's a very fast shift, skin replacing fur. Both of us kneeling on the floor facing each other. "My wolf would never allow that, no other female has touched my wolf, you are my first ever." Trying to make her understand that I'm telling the truth, if she marks me she would know I'm not lying.

"Those females, Victoria, they were nothing to me, I used them thinking that I was punishing you but it's me that I was punishing. It's me that has to look in your eyes and see what I truly did to you. I understand, Victoria." Holding her hands in mine.

"I understand Fin why you did it but sometimes things just can't be forgiven. I can't be forgiven just like you can't be forgiven.." She's looking at me, taking calming breaths, while I am having a hard time controlling mine.

"I need to leave, Fin." My heart is burning up, bile trying to climb up my esophagus. The rancid taste making my eyes water.

"Where will you go?" She shrugs her shoulders while I desperately search her memories for any clue where she might turn to.

It's a little cottage, run down, in ruin, except the structure of it is built very strong, the wooden beams so thick it would take a century to crumple them.

The first of her memory here is her and Charlie seeking solace in the ruins.

Magical, her world of make believe.

She would lay inside this cabin on her back, telling Charlie how this would be the perfect home to raise her pups in with her mate. How she could picture them running around, while they hold hands and watch them grow. She would be the best mother that ever lived, a solemn vow to herself. Charlie would look at Victoria not saying a word, she chose not to see what his eyes were telling her, that this is just a dream for her.

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