This Can't Be Fixed

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Finian's POV




Hue's of blues shift Victoria's eyes, emotions on the greatest levels swirl inside them as if her life's storm is being revisited.

Meela makes a move to get away from a she-wolf who has eyes that track her as if she is hunting. Victoria blocks the only way out with her body, while Meela stiffens up unable to make an escape.

"Tell me, now!" Her voice is full of unleashed shaking fury.

"Victoria, it was a mistake." Trying to speak softly, cushion the blow of words that I will be hitting her with.

"What was a mistake Fin? I want to know now! I want every detail." Victoria takes a wide leg stance, bracing herself for the onslaught of who I really am to her.

"Betrayer," the demon appears on my left it's reptilian word slithers out against my skin, wrapping around my body with a squeezing embrace.

Meela slowly tries to get behind Victoria heading for the door. Victoria takes a step into Meela's space.

"Sit down, don't move." The words are controlled aggression. Eyes of ice beg for Meela to do something, anything that will shatter her barely there control.

Meela does exactly as she's told. Sitting down with a curve to her spine, not able look Victoria in the eyes.

"Tell me Finian." Victoria's fury is starting to grow eyes darkening the blues becoming sinister.

Watching her put her daughter on the counter, I understand that this could go very wrong.

Fear startles Meela's eyes awake when she see's this.

"Victoria, just listen before you get mad. It wasn't what you think. We just kissed, that's it, nothing went further." A bleeding laugh filled with her hurt pours out of a mouth that is sneering at me.

"What kind of kiss was it?" The growl that follows those words shakes into my chest, a warning to be very careful on how I proceed.

Looking into her eyes, "It lasted for a long time, our clothes stayed on. We never went further than a kiss."

Betrayal has a way of turning the marrow of you into petrified stone, hardening your heart against the one that is the betrayer. I understand this completely, how she is thinking in this moment.

Her eyes fall on Meela, head leaning low, mouth closer to her ear.

"Grey loves you Meela; he loves you so much." She shakes her head in disgustful hurt. Meela keeps quiet not uttering a single word even her breath is being held inside her.

"Do you love her? Have you fallen in love with her?" Daggers are thrown at me, with the way her heart pain sounds out. She's hurt beyond the threshold of what she can endure. This is a breaking pain of the soul she's facing head on.

"What? No. I love you, Victoria. I love you. I just, I don't know what happened. One minute we were both talking and the next minute we were kissing, holding each other. It just happened. It's not an excuse. My brother is hurt because of me, you, my child almost died. Meela was there; we were helping each other. She was looking after our pup, it just happened. I don't have an excuse; there is no excuse." It's a shift in her eyes that tell me of my loss. She's already straightening herself up, armor clicking in place around her.

"Meela, thank you for helping my mate!" Screaming it out because she's boiling over.

Victoria is giving the both of us an up and down look, sizing the both of us up as if we are a waste of flesh. Meela's head hangs lower, eyes unable to look at Victoria.

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