New Leadership

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Victoria's POV

Forgiveness...that's all Grey has ever wanted from his brother...I'm proud of Fin for be able to let go of the past and move forward.....Meela watches from the couch, hand absently touching her flat stomach. I can't look away from it....wanting something so special for myself, I have a compulsion to touch her belly. I look into her eyes, knowing she just caught me. She looks away from me, pulling up her legs into her chest as if to protect her Future from my intrusive gaze. My smile falters, as I look away......our balance with one another is off....

Fin slaps Grey's back pulling away from him...both smiling at one another as they approach Thomas and ruffle his hair. It must be hard for Thomas being stuck in the middle of this battle for so many years...Sophie snuggles into Thomas, head resting on his shoulder.

Grey sits next to Meela, pulling her on his lap, nose pressed against her throat as he closes his eyes and she shivers from his touch.

Fin approaches me, ebb and flow of emotions pulling and pushing inside him, he doesn't touch, just stands besides me smelling the air. I put my hand on his right shoulder lightly before pulling it away, dropping it to my side, where it hangs there alone... I shouldn't be here, it's to intimate, to personnel...after all, I'm the cause of this discord....

Feeling his strong fingers reach between my own, a current passes between us. This simple act of gentle affection of hand holding has my wolf raising her head slightly before dropping it again to rest on her paws. His hold makes me feel relaxed, secure that I belong here with them...with the family.

The ring of Grey's cell phone interrupting the beautiful peace has a low growl forming in my chest with annoyance.

"What?" Grey's voice is tense, full of aggression towards the caller. His eyes fall on Meela and she tries to reach for the phone, instead he holds her hand bringing it to his lips for a quick kiss, before standing up and walking away.

A deep frown forms on his face "How many?" A pause..."You know what this means?" Another long pause as he gives Fin the phone....

"This is Fin." His eyes fall on Meela that shows his pity. "We're coming now."

"Meela it's your brother, he's asking for help with some wolves that are starting to devour his territory." Meela bristles, her body rigid. Standing up to her full height she sneers at Fin..."I guess you get what you want after all." Walking away from us, her shoulders are hunched forward in defeat.

Watching her walk away I do give her credit with even being able to stand against Fin...she has some underlying quality that doesn't go unnoticed by my Wolf.

"Grey I want all the Northern warriors at the Southern border now....Victoria make the call to the Eastern Territory and have them bring the female fighters." Nodding my head in agreement with him as he slips from the room, phone in hand talking with his Betas...

War plans being made that takes two days to organize everything. All of the warriors converge on the Southern Territory...Meela's brother meets us in front of the pack house....

Watching Meela run towards him, they embrace and hold each other tightly..."I'm so sorry," her whispered apology hits my chest hard reminding me of my whispered apology to my brother as he took his final gut clenches and Fin whispers an apology to me.

Fin steps are heavy and deliberate as he approaches this defeated Alpha...."Meela back away from your brother." Fin's voice is controlled but not easy on the ears, her brother pushes her to the side, his Warriors are behind him, what few are left...

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