Turning The Tables

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Victoria's POV

Watching Finian get out of the truck smiling and clasping shoulders of the members of his pack. Looking kindly in their eyes. Admiration is shown in the smiling faces of this pack. They crowd around him, patting his back and he lets them touch him. He ruffles the hair of many members, giving them affection with his touch.

The atmosphere is charged with excitement yet he portrays a great calmness that washes through him and into his gathering herd. Watching the way the members of his pack react to him is something new to me. He doesn't snarl or make himself bigger, he leads in a way that makes me want to follow him. He has a gentle kindness in the way he interacts with each one on an individual level.

He compels obedience......

Finally making his way to my door he opens it, holding out his hand to me. I take it, flesh on flesh, I ignore the fire his touch ignites.

The pack pressing in on me the moment I step out of the truck. Noses raised taking in my scent, hands trying to touch me. Kind eyes find mine but also the sharp and menacing eyes of many send the fine hairs on my neck to stand on end. My wolf's hackles are raised and I snarl at the crowd to back away. My leadership is much different from their King.

All my fighting blood is surging through me.

The call of my legacy of ancestry as first born pumps through my system.

The nature of my wolf is demanding me to kill or be killed to set the example now and quickly so there is a compelling understanding that I will not tolerate challenges.

He grips my hand tighter leading me down the gauntlet of people. I think what he fails to realize is this is what I know...this is what I have been trained to know. I don't need his hand for support, I can do this on my own. Pulling from his grasp, I slow my walk down. Head held high, making it a point to look straight into the eyes that try to hold mine.

"Victoria," His lips almost touch my ear, his warning is filled with a very real threat to me. His hand now is rubbing my lower back underneath my shirt. He's trying to calm me, my females can sense my growing agitation. I've never done well with too many people around, all they want to do is inflict pain as a group. Always they come in groups never by themselves. I don't expect anything less from these wolves, safety in numbers.

The crowd parting slightly ahead of us, grey eyes meet mine. The older version of Fin is flanked by several older females. His eyes are from her, but Grey carries more of her than Fin.

She smiles to Fin holding her arms out wide as he embraces her cheek to cheek in the Old Way custom.

"I've missed you Finian." Looking on at their interaction a mother's love is pouring through her skin, it's warm and comforting watching this interaction.

"Mom, this is Victoria." The judgment is not missed by my wolf. I can see her females flanking my sides. Angling around me in a circle, pushing members of the pack out of their way. I don't take my eyes off his mother, my females rise up, puff themselves up to this perceived challenge.

I knew that I would have to fight a group but I never thought that his mother would take the point...

This is a fight I don't want, I don't want this but I will do this, I will set an example.

A smile creeps on her face, along with the rest of the older wizened females. Her stance relaxes as she takes my left shoulder flanking me, along with the rest of her females in a show of protectiveness. All these females face into the crowd, their malignant with menace to anyone that wants to do harm.

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