Things Just Happen

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Victoria's POV

It's gradual the way he eases himself off the chair, a wince of pain as he gingerly rises up. Brows furrowed in concentration, a deep breath that is slowly released before taking a step towards the bed.

The scar I gave him is more prominent, his jaw defined, cheeks more chiseled with the loss of weight. I notice everything. The way his pants fall slightly down on his hip, the shirt not fitting as tight. Hair messy, he smells unwashed, a masculine stink about him that tries to draw my wolf out, the need to lick his wounds clean. Dark circles under his tired eyes, I can smell his exhaustion. Yet here he is awake and watching over us.

My eyes flick to his neck, jagged deep teeth mark his flesh, mauled by something big as if it was trying to crack into the marrow of his bones....Something was trying to eat him, alive.

A fake, a fraud, his smile tries to deceive me with happiness. A contradiction of features across his face, pewter eyes regard me with just a hint of blackened coal poking through.

Saliva, thick and sticky makes it impossible to form words. The desert is wetter than my mouth at the moment. I try swallowing my saliva down to wet my throat, tongue glued to the roof of my upper palate.

I can't make a sound, my limbs still too heavy to command purposeful movement. I reach out to him only for my hands to flop on my flatter, now barren stomach. It feels weird not to have her little feet kicking and stretching the inside of me.

His steps are very slow, awkward as if his brain is misfiring singles to his muscles to properly work. Arms are strong, as he cradles the little female. She doesn't utter a sound, snuggled tight in a nest that was made for her by hands of love. The light blue blanket so soft and comforting to my little one. Already, I can see it being her security blanket, that she will wrap around herself during the night, a comfort and protector.

My heartbeat picks up the closer they come, emotions are churning rapids, dipping and rising in the current of their presence. I try reaching for the both of them, my arm weak with inactivity, stiff and heavy.

Finian leans down and kisses my lips, he's giving me a taste of electricity, still shocking and tingling. It makes me smile towards him, he smiles back, this time his eyes crinkle at the edges letting me know that he's also happy.

"Victoria, we've missed you." He breathes out a sigh of relief as he sits on the bed next to me. Bringing her towards my body, a little-knitted cap on her head, it's pink and has butterflies lining the edges. She's asleep, only her closed eyes peek out at me, everything else is covered up, wrapped up tight.

"Here." with one hand he reaches for some water on my bedside table, I take a closer look at where I am. A white room with pictures of landscapes that line the walls. I can see machines and monitors, things that are creating a low buzzing noise, it's soothing actually to the ears. A quiet noise that can put you to bed at night.

He raises the bed with a push of a button, slowly I'm starting to sit up right, my stomach lurches with the change of position. I need to close my eyes to stop the vertigo from taking control.

I can feel a water bottle press against my lips, opening up, some of the water makes it down my parched throat while most of it spills out down my chin onto the gown that I'm wearing.

It's all I need for my tongue to start to move around and loosen inside my mouth.

"I want to see her." My first demand. Dutifully he brings her so she's resting on my lap. Very slowly he unravels her to me. Inside the blanket is another blanket made of the softest whitest rabbit fur. That's what's keeping her so warm. He undoes this and finally, she is displayed for me. Tiny, like a little baby bird without feathers, skinny arms, and legs, a diaper that's too big for her, almost going up to her armpits. I put my baby finger against her arm and it's almost the same size. She easily fits in the palm of his hand.

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