A Family

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Victoria's POV

Standing in front of the picture of Fin and me, smiling as the small nightlight casts a soft glow that illuminates our faces. My light is in front of me, my darkness is behind. I have finally let the picture stay up. It took time to heal from that betrayal. I still see it in my mind, not as clear almost dreamlike as if it never happened, but it did.

Our canvases that we paint on each other is abstract, full of colors, unique strokes, and techniques. It's unpolished, not yet completed, a lot more work needs to be done to it. It takes time to figure out our meaning, deep understanding into the past is needed to reflect the outcome of our Future.

The picture of us has stayed up for the last week, Fin has noticed, not uttering a word to me about this.

He has proven himself over and over again to me about us. I didn't make it easy on him. When I had lost all faith that we could ever be together again he stayed solid in his belief about us. He never gave up on, us.

Without making a sound, I creep into his room. The door always is open, an invitation to come in whenever I want. Never have I stepped foot into his private space. It's his own purgatory that I didn't want to disturb.

"What's the matter? Is Charlie okay?" Panic traces along my skin where his words hit.

"No, she's fine."

"Are you okay, what's wrong?" He's already getting into a sitting position on the small bed that would be just the right size for Charlie now.

"I think it's time for you to come back into our bed." I'm not nervous about this, it feels right for me. 

Getting up quickly, the look of hard sleep still in his eyes, "am I dreaming, Victoria?" Taking the first step towards him, brings my chest touching his, letting that smell of my male encase, surround and comfort me. 

 Inhaling, eyes not closing but fixed on his. 

Blue into the Grey.

The moon is throbbing, pulling, tightening and coiling around me. I'm letting her pull me forward. 

Instinct guiding, "smell me Fin."

"I already am Victoria." He's quick, putting his lips against my neck, tongue tasting scent. 

Hands on my hips, pulling me into him. 

Cheek against cheek. 

Skin to skin

Picking me up, flesh now against flesh, he walks us out of his room, closing that door. Down the hallway towards our room, now

Gently placing me on the bed, he explores my skin as if he's never been over it before. 

Slow, methodical, he pays attention to every detail of my flesh, nothing is left without his scent permanently pressed into it. 

He shows me love, gentle, slow, body consuming love throughout the night until we fall asleep wrapped in each other's arms. 

"Daddy, daddy." A cry of fear from Charlie.

Tears are brimming in her eyes -  the light blue blanket dragging on the ground behind her, coming out of her den towards our bed.

"Daddy," we both sit up, reaching to bring her in the middle of us on top of the covers.

She snuggles her body between us, bringing her blanket to her nose smelling it.

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