Strike The Queen

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Victoria POV

This male made of flesh and blood comes undone in front of me. His chains of control...broken. No longer a leader made of skin, but a wolf looking to defend its broken claim.

The blackness of self-consuming hunger eats this wolf, his eyes seeking his retribution...payment in blood.

This is a new steel canvas I get to see, dripping with his darkened colors.'s beyond him in this moment...swirling darkness slithering around his body, seductively luring him to what his nature is.

This pack knows his gentle hand, his praising voice...have they seen him when nature pulses to life through his veins. Have they felt his bite, heard his harsh voice.?

My wolf stands tall inside me, appraising this wolf. The king in his fur is a magnificent sight of bristling, teeth snapping aggression. She understands this side...the calling he's feeling is known to her, she wants to share it with him...her male.

Snarls of agreement pour out of my own mouth as her darkness threatens to overtake my flesh. She wants to hunt with her equal. Even in her current broken state, she wants to rise up and show this male she is more than a worthy partner. She wants to walk side by side not behind.... never behind. If he's going to war than she wants to be there on his right protecting his throat with her own.

She would never protect his skin side, that's his only weakness in her eyes. If he stayed in fur then there could be a future...

The wolf and I regard each other, both evaluating one another. Eyes sweeping over flesh and fur. His nose is pulled back giving a good show of canine sharp teeth. He's much bigger than normal wolves, the Alpha gene pulsing hard in his genetics. Grey fur quivering as his muscles shiver with pent up energy. Claws scrape against the wooden floor as he approaches me, growling putting on his own show for my wolf's pleasure.

No remorse is felt by my wolf with what her male is going to do, their fate is sealed with acts of treason against us.

I understand that these females have been corrupted by this male but I am the catalyst that has caused this revolt. Without my single act of betrayal then this could of all been prevented. He wouldn't have felt this need to hurt me over and over again. He wouldn't have them all believing that they were special. That they somehow could sway him into believing they are his future. To kill them all would leave a shifting in balance...more males than females could lead to much more dire consequences in the future...

Getting down off the bed, on bended knees I put my hand out to him, which causes his wolf to pause and mine to snap.

Reaching out to him, my skin showing harden fur my softest side as I gently start to stroke his fur, calming his beast. His ruffled fur is settling down, with each pass of my hand over fur. I let my touch glide across his back, over his hips. His hackles that were raised in posturing have started to quietly lay back. My fingers rubbing against his jawline, behind his ears has the beast in a tranquil state.

His fighting form allows me to explore through touch. His hardened muscles shudder from the softness of my touch. Watching his eyes, the color of black changing to soft steel, his tongue slightly hangs out his mouth, my ownership over him is complete. Pressing my cheek against his, taking in his strong smell, I bite into his neck, not to break skin just a playful nip.

His war rage has receded with the tide, leaving behind a wolf who enjoys being touched by its mate. He nudges his head into my neck, taking in the smell that instinctively calls out to him. I feed his soul through touch, has he ever let any female touch him this way? Heart clenching spasms pull at this painful thought, his wolf whimpers while pulling away my hand.

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