2.Robin Hood

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I usually face this kind of problem.Every time I firmly think of doing something,I end up doing everything apart from that 'something'.I was all firm about sorting my apartment or at least to begin but I ended up stalking the 'Boy next door' on social media.There were three thousand results for the name 'Shivaay'.He hadn't mentioned his Surname to add on to my annoyance.How on earth was I going to stalk each profile with the name 'Shivaay'.Curiosity brings the worse out of me.

To add cherry on the top,I had nothing to feed my ferocious growling stomach.I hadn't gone out for grocery shopping and all thanks to my beloved procrastination.I placed my laptop aside as I had no intention of going through each profile.Doing such would be borderline obsession and breach of privacy.

I laid flat on my abdomen,thinking of nothing but food.I reached my hand for a bottle that was lying beside.Gulping down the entire content,I laid flat again.After a few minutes of thinking,I decided to go with cheesy pizza.I grabbed my phone ordering for a coke and pizza.

My nerves were testing the very little patience I was capable of.I was B for 'bored'.I decided to inhale some fresh air and stepped outside to the open outlet in the corridor of our floor.I grabbed a hoodie before I regretted for not considering it.Rhino virus,that causes common cold has a special interest towards me and that's the reason I keep falling sick if there is a slight change in the air.It was better to state that me and the virus seemed to have maintained a cordial relationship over years.The only thing that suffers is my nose and the poor handkerchief.

Corridor was quite empty.I could spot a shadow as I approached the outlet.As I neared,there was a girl with headphones resting again the railings.She had a slight look of a Tom boy.She had sharp eyebrows,slight bent nose,glossy lips.She was dressed in a t-shirt that was double her size and her open hair danced along the tune of wind.Her face was etched with joy and contentment.She opened her eyes sensing my presence.

"Hi."I offered a warm smile.Smile is a powerful magic in disguise and I often managed to wield it.

"Hey,so you are the 'door no.8'?"she questioned with a friendly tone.She had a smile that was infectious and I couldn't stop myself from returning one.I settled down beside her,leaning my back against the railing.


How could I forget the tradition followed by the residents of this apartment.

"Have you meet anyone else apart from me?"she questioned as she removed her headphones,interested to give in for a talk.

"Yeah,the guy who stays beside me"I replied.I didn't want to mention his name or the fact that I knew him by his name.Made no sense whatsoever but I decided to go along with it.Ridiculous of me,I have these strange thoughts some times that literally doesn't make any sense.

"I see,you have met 'Robin Hood' already,"she giggled leaving me perplexed.I never met any Robin Hood.Did I?

"I have met James Bond but no one else by the name of Robin Hood,"I answered her with the same amusement she offered.

"007 is none other than Robin Hood.Shivaay has a tendency to help everyone in trouble.He can't stand injustice and cruelty.He is more like a modern day Robin Hood,"she narrated with certain hand gestures to glorify his tale.

"Oh,I wasn't aware that I had a good burglar next door."I remarked,as I learnt new facts about this mystery guy.

"But there is a twist,"she uttered as she raised both her eyebrows.

"Twist?"I questioned.

"He doesn't need to be a burglar.He is the CEO of Oberoi Industries,Shivaay Singh Oberoi."

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