33.He makes my heart flutter

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The dangling rays of sun peeped in through the outlet of my window,announcing its presence in my room.I squinted my eyes, trying to adjust to the bright light.I struggled to get up from my bed only to realize I had a company on my bed.I was sandwiched between his lean arms and it felt good.I turned around to encounter his enchanting presence beside me, his eyes shut in deep slumber and he looked peaceful.Memories of night flashed right in my mind,awakening the deja vu feeling in me.We had finally confessed our feelings and it felt surreal to be true.We spoke our hearts out throughout the night and I couldn't recollect how we had fallen asleep.

The rhythmic sync of his breath,the frown lines on his forehead, the wrinkles that form at the corner of his eyes every time he laughs, his chapped but yet full lips, the way he prefers having his hair a bit trimmed at the side and longer at the end--makes me love him more than I possibly could.

I had never imagined myself to be the person who could experience such magnitude of emotions but he brought that side of mine. I placed my fingers on his forehead, soothing his lines of worry.He exhaled a deep breathe before gently opening his eyes. His lips turned up,flashing a bright smile.I smiled back, equally charming.

"What's the time?"

I turned around to collect my phone on the night stand."9 in morning."I answered.

"Oh shit."He cursed,getting up from the bed abruptly.He ran his fingers through his hair before walking out.

I sat startled on my bed.Just within seconds he peeped his head in,through the half open door."I am such an idiot. I am sorry.I have an important work to do and I can't get late. I promise it's not something I want to hide and I promise to share it with you.I can't explain you now as I am running out of time but don't worry I will be back within in a few hours."He said it all in one breathe and then he was gone.I smiled to myself, he was trying not to hide things from me and that was very considerate of him to do so.

He peeped again,"And-I love you. I do."He smiled and then he was gone.Woah, my heart was fluttering with happiness but I couldn't help myself from pondering on what was the important work he had to attend here in NYC.I decided not to overthink.

After getting ready for the day, I walked downstairs.The living area was quite.I walked towards the garden and my parents were sitting on their chairs with a cup of coffee.I sat down on the empty chair and poured myself a cup of coffee from the pot.My dad was busy with his morning newspaper and my mom was enjoying her caffeine.I was busy checking my messages and there was one from Shivaay.


I will have my breakfast on the way.Don't overthink, I am fine. I will meet you at lunch.

-and Anika,I meant every word I confessed last night.Every single world.I love you.

"Where is your guy?" My dad asked, keeping his newspaper aside.I tried to hide my blush and looked at my dad putting on my serious face.

"Dad,he has a name and he is out for some work."I replied and took a sip of my coffee.

"Well, I don't know what to say.Its unlike you to bring a random guy home and I can't help but wonder." My mom joined the conversation.Both my parents seemed keen to take Shivaay's absence as an opportunity to drill me.

"Ma,you already knew.We just needed a change and I had to come home for dad's birthday anyway so I asked him to come along."

"It's hardly been a few months, give or take,since your stay there in Mumbai.Pardon me if I seem concerned for you."Dad argued and he had a point.

"I agree with your dad.In the past you have been in relationships which lasted for year but all we got to know were their names, let alone a home visit."

"I am not getting married tomorrow, dad.Quit being so concerned."

"Psst.Enough of that Anika.We are just concerned.After all you are staying all alone."My father said.

"What do I do to give you guys an assurance that he is a good man from a humble background? "

"For starters, What's his full name?" Ma, asked.

"Seriously, out of all the questions-" I was interrupted.

"Just answer us Anika." My dad said firmly.

"Shivaay Singh Oberoi."

"What does he do for a living?My ma asked.

"He is the CEO of Oberoi Companies." I said proudly.Well,he worked day and night to reach the position he is in and a bit of vanity was no harm and moreover my parents did seem impressed at the new found information.

"Have you met his family? "

"I have met his sister and her family. Before you ask, no I had no idea my boss was Shivaay's sister."

"Are you happy?" My dad asked with visible concern.

"Yes, dad.He makes me happy.To be honest with you guys, I can picture myself with him in the future."I answered sincerely.Just like that,my parents concerns were erased.But their questions didn't end and I spent another two hours assuring them that I enjoyed my life in Mumbai.


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