16.I don't have answers

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"Could you just shift your pretty little ass aside,"I barked.

"Woah,get a hold of yourself woman and what on hell are you searching for?"he retorted without losing his mind despite my growing tantrums.

"Seriously!You are sitting on my designs and that awful boss of mine will strangle me to death if she finds the crushed paper because of your pretty ass,"I yelled back.

"I am glad you find my ass pretty,"he smirked as he offered me my semi crushed designs.

"Shivaay," I groaned but couldn't help smiling at him.

I caught hold of the cushion pillow near by and threw it at his face.My aim was just intact but he turned out to be better with the catch.He caught hold of the pillow before it could hit his face and even if it did,it wouldn't cause any harm.I wish it did as his smirk didn't fade away and as much as I wished to snuggle beside him,I couldn't,as I had work to do.Isn't it strange that the good days pass away like seconds and the bad ones lasts for weeks.These past few weeks have been amazing,ok beyond amazing to be honest.The day he decided to give us a chance has been a reminder of the time we enjoyed in our own paradise.He is still hesitant but yet he talks about his days at work,his interest and hobbies.Thats wonderful for the beginning,isn't it?

It's been freaking-awesome since we kind of got together.Neither does he has a name to offer to our relationship nor do I.We both agreed to settle with whatever we could offer each other for the moment and I didn't want us jumping into something that could turn out to be awkward and regretting it later.

These days have been quite promising for new beginnings.I have learnt a lot about him like for instance he loves black over all the colours,he loves to be a morning person and doesn't miss his early morning jog with Nanu,he likes to pamper Jasmine despite Krishi's refusal,he loves it when I run my fingers through his rough hair locks and he enjoys curling my lose strand's around his finger.I discovered that this guy is no millionaire like the world claims.Three fourth or more of his income is given to various NGO's and he saves up pretty much to support his lifestyle.For now I am satisfied that he trusts me enough to be himself around me.I have witnessed a new side to his personality and it's refreshing to be assured that changes are inevitable.

We still reside in our own flats but we frequently keep visiting each other.Often he spends his nights at my place and I spend my weekends at his place.He has also helped me in cooking and the number of variety of dishes we have cooked together is myriad.We often indulge in conversations about politics,women's issues,generalization regarding men and many more.Sometimes we differ in our opinions but what I like about him is that he acknowledges my opinion and never dismisses it just because it's different than his.He believes opinions are never completely right or wrong, it's all about being morally and factually right.

There are times when he craves for intimacy.He likes to cuddle and I would have never guessed Shivaay to be the kind of man who likes cuddling and spooning if I hadn't noticed it myself.Our lips have grown fond of each other in these past few weeks.I have never witnessed him having another nightmare when he spends his night at my place.

I haven't told my parents or my friends about us,for that matter.I had to be sure about us before I decided anything.I am all about Cape diem as for now.I am just soaking in the feeling of his touch and his tenderness.I relish the caress of his breath on my cheek as he nuzzles into my hair or my neck.The butterflies in my stomach never miss to flutter in his presence or under his touch.I love the fact that he is patient with me but I don't like it when he acts alert.I want him to be himself.I want to be a part of his best as well as worse qualities but I have decided to give him time as rushing him will only destroy the things we have built.I want our relationship to follow a natural pace and evolve into it's purest form.

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