~Chapter 3~ Capture

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~Art By Jokublog~

Outer's POV

"Papyrus Stay here, I need to check this out..." I said to my brother but avoiding eye contact, as he just brings a concerned expression.

"Why?! What's going on-- Sans!" Papyrus yelled out as I teleported to the trouble. My eyesockets widen of the sight I seen, a ruthless, cynical and wicked skeleton that is covered in tar.

Nightmare. Now what is he doing here?! Well for whatever reason he is doing here, I will not let him hurt my brother. I slightly turn my skull around to look around, and I see Undyne along with some guards running towards the trouble...I glance back at Nightmare seeing he is strangling a monster right in front of a loved one.

"Let Go of them Immediately!" Undyne yelled to Nightmare, with her spear in her hands. Nightmare then turned his skull towards where Undyne is standing...he shows no expression of fear nor even phased of Undyne.

"Or What?" Nightmare said, as he tightens a grip of the tentacle of the poor monster as they gasp to breathe. This gets Undyne alarmed and keeps hold of her spear close ready to attack.

Undyne it isn't going to be easy... but then I notice Nightmare is aware of my presence which quickly gets my soul felt like it just got shattered into itty bits. He then lets go of the monster, and they gasp and they get hugged full of tears.

He then mutters..."No. Even Better." and before I could never notice what was going on properly, his tentacle extends slightly and takes a step forward and grabs someone and brings them into view.

I tremble as I notice this was Papyrus, dammit! I told him to stay where he was! 

"Papyrus!" Undyne yelled out in utter shock. I then teleport in the view with my glowing eyesocket activated.

"Don't You Dare Hurt Him!" I Yelled at Nightmare, I admit i'm afraid...but I know Nightmare can sense it and it's exactly what he wants.

"Ah Sans. Finally joined have you? To Finally watch as I make your brother miserable?" Nightmare grins at me, and I see my brother so terrified but he is trying to not show it...I know my brother is.

"I Said Don't you Dare Hurt him!" I shouted, then before you could blink I activated my gaster blaster aiming at Nightmare to make sure I don't hit Papyrus. The gaster Blasters then blast out their beam, and notice I had missed. Figured.

"Tsk Tsk. You missed." I ignored his words and blasted again until, I felt myself hit the ground. Along with my magic...everything sounded like a blur...I couldn't keep my eyesockets open but I couldn't just let him hurt my brother!

Killer's POV

Once I finished torturing UnderSwap and HavenTale for a bit, I arrive into OuterTale and already heard a scream. I went to go check it out in the shadows, to soon see the boss already there straggling someone. Honestly I'm confused why he is even here, I thought I was assigned to torment this AU. Doesn't matter.

I Notice the Sans of this AU is getting irritated as soon Nightmare grabbed Papyrus, he then attacks him with the gaster blaster and Nightmare taunts him. He then gets ready to blast again but I then take action.

With the real knife I held in my hands I run out and attack Outer at full force, this causes him to stop his attack and fall onto the ground. I turn to see Undyne's attempt saving the skeleton but I charge towards her and stab her just above the soul, she trembles and falls to her knees and cover up the wound I just gave her.

I notice more guards are coming and I get ready to attack once more until I feel the black liquid dripping on my jacket and I turn at Nightmare.

"Come On Grab Outer!Sans and we'll get out of here." Nightmare said in a serious tone.

"What!? This wasn't part of the plan." I exclaimed but with his only eyesocket showing he glares at me... I get the message and just growl and grab Outer.

Nightmare then makes a portal back to the castle meanwhile holding Papyrus who is struggling to get out of the grip, as the guards get closer we step in the portal holding the two skeletons, then it shuts before they could reach us.

Target Settled|Outer!Sans x Killer!SansDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora