~Chapter 22~ I Miss You Already

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Outer's POV

I watch Killer walk out of the door, I quiver and shiver...his gentle hands that leaves a tender touch, the smooth bones and the soothing soul beat has disappeared from my reach.

He walked out...like it was nothing, but I knew something in his eye-sockets was a small liquid, that tends to dribble down your cheeks and his cheek-bones were a bright royal blue.

There he was a minute ago about to take his own life then I interfere, and straight after he walks out the door... filled with sadness. I could tell he feels bad, I can see it through his expression, but why does my soul still ache in agony?

What's the problem, I know he is feeling sorrow, I know he didn't intend to hurt me and even if he did, why hasn't he done it beforehand? He would of killed me by now.

This feels like a sick obsession, but this is just devotion of love towards Killer , this is bewildering and baffling. I shouldn't love him... I shouldn't be kind to him and I shouldn't be contacting him...

But I do...

It hurts badly, and this affliction is coming from my soul, the very combination of our being, but I must ignore these sentiments, my friend is in great danger... of himself.

He may do something he may regret, and it's my responsibility to help.

Swiftly I then shake my skull and open the front-door, as I rush through and sweat trickles down my fore-skull. I scan all around my surroundings and my non-existent lungs start making me wheeze and I stop to clutch my knees.

I huff and puff as I regain minor amounts of energy, I tremble and swallow and yell out loudly.


Silently I cry and look around rapidly to only notice some uncomfortable stares, their expressions then turn into disgust and glare at me. Judgement and darkness started to consume around me, everyone looked at me in shame... knowing that monster was apart of the attack and kidnapping, as if I developed Stockholm syndrome... but it isn't true at all.

Dark images started to cloud my mind, I was in empty black void with nothing here, I felt mesmerized and heard a child's giggle... it echoed through this void.

I turn my skull slowly to look whats behind me, and there I see a child with chocolate coated eyes, and chestnut mixed chocolate streaks of hair that reached just above their shoulders. They wore a lime sweater with a yellow stripe through the middle of the torso, along with brown pants with a tint of red and the shoes are the same colour. Their skin was peach and their lied rosy pink cheeks, their eyes were empty and hollow that split out a black liquid and the smile dribbled the same black liquid, they clutched tightly onto a heart shaped locket and giggled more.

"Sans!" I hear echoed through my non-existing ear drums, then the voice gets louder... and I recognize the voice.

"SANS! Are you there!?" I then blink and shake my skull to see my brother, I look around to find myself back home, Papyrus then hugs me tightly and I flinch slightly but I wrap my arms around him slowly and plonk my skull into his chest.

"Sans! You've worried me! You've been spaced out for a while-" Papyrus then realized his mistake and I snorted.

"...Dammit Sans! You influenced me!" He huffed and lets go of me to then cross his arms in annoyance.

"Pft-- Good One Paps" I tell my brother and he gives me a irritated look and I laugh, but what surprises me he quickly calms down, and hugs me again as I feel him shudder.

"...You really scared me brother" and I sigh and mumble.

" I know..."

"Please Next time you... go back into your thoughts warn me!" I heard my brother yell confidently and I snicker then nod.

This however doesn't stop the images of the child, they gave an unsettling smile and for certain this is a Chara, but why this particular Chara?..

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