~Chapter 17~ Closer

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Outer's POV

I've been concerned about Killer... when my brother returned and revealed he was in such a state, his sleeves of his sweater stained in blood. 

Something has happened to him but it's too soon to say anything...

All I can do is offer solace... for my dear friend.

I notice his cheek-bones was turning into a blue hue slightly...I blink, have I somehow embarrass him?... He is looking away from me and I slightly frown...

Have I done something wrong?

He then takes a glance at me and notices my frown and stops looking away.

"huh? what's wrong??" Staring at me confused...now I'm even more confused.

"...I embarrassed you?" I said and then he jumps slightly, and only so slightly cringes.

"...Huh? Oh nono...Uh I'm just confused by your comfort...or some shit" Well this is awkward but I nod.

"...are you ok?" I asked him and he goes silent...

"...No, Not I'm not" Killer replies, I frown and pat his shoulder gently.

"Want to talk about it?" he shakes his skull.

"Maybe later..." At least he's being honest with me and I'll be patient...it's what friends do.

I'm not sure why but I realize I've been more concerned about him more than anybody else lately, I genuinely care about him but I just hope that he knows that, his expressions look like he is delirious...so maybe laughter can cheer him up.

Always works with my brother even when he denies it.


Why did I trust him in the first place?

a question I ask myself that I'm reminded of who he is

A servant who follows his duties

He cares for nobody...yet

He's broken deep down

All of this is confusing...But I'm starting to understand why I trust him

He may be a murderer, but there's always a reason behind it

Either of Trauma or they are true psychopaths...

I've learn that he is shattering into pieces

His soul is filled with ire...and he's afraid

As long the inner demons whispers to him

Wrath will continue

But he can still be saved...

He just needs someone to listen

without threats

...However I noticed my soul has a deep desire of something

I don't know what it is, But it's something I never felt

A Craving that is more powerful than my wishes that I've always asked for...

For the past 2 hours we've been joking around, and we've both been laughing and tried to be quiet, as around this time my brother would usually go to bed.

Every once in a while he would come out and shush us, but this is amusing...I know my brother wishes to see me happy as I want the same for my dear brother.

"...Alright I'm ready to tell you" I stop to what I was doing and stared at Killer as he sweats, I can tell he is nervous about saying anything.

"Those voices won't go away... Constant reminder of what I did. For years I've had no emotions and they were quiet...yet I started to feel again...and they returned...I didn't know what to do...this is all fucked up." I understood what he was saying...

I can only imagine what that feels like, the guilt and frustration never leaves him alone.

Before he could say anything, I lean slightly closer to him and wrap my arms around him and give him a small embrace. He flinches of the sudden contact...but slowly he returns the contact as he quiet lets small tears drip down his cheekbones.

Soon we let go and asked if he was ok, he then nodded his skull and I could tell he felt better than before, I then yawn out of exhaustion for doing absolutely nothing.

"...are you tired?" Killer asks me then I nod, he then grabs the blanket he used while he was unconscious, and gives it to me. 

I set the blanket over myself as I receive small amounts of warmth, my body however didn't think it was enough...so completely weariness I let myself fall slightly.

I feel a slight jolt next to my skull...but then it settles slowly...I then start hearing a soul beat, unexpectedly the sound is satisfying and soothing... I then doze off to sleep.

Target Settled|Outer!Sans x Killer!SansWhere stories live. Discover now