~Bonus Chapter~ Just a Bad Dream

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Killer's POV

I opened my eye-sockets and saw myself, being surrounded by nothing...just an endless void, that is purely white, and this gave me a sense of uncertainty. 

I found myself sitting down, and then I slowly turned my skull around to see if there was anything more, nothing except deep red rose petals, flowing along with the non-existing wind currents.

I finally stood up and decided to follow the petals, I heard my footsteps from my shoes echo and the more I went forward...I noticed something odd.

As I was getting closer to something, that looked like a blurry figure in the distance, I noticed that the trail of petals started to decay. I then sped walking faster towards the figure, but then suddenly I heard a sound I'm too familiar with.

That figure then turned into dust, and the jacket that they were wearing... when I was in-front of it, I trembled and fell onto my knees and slowly picked up the jacket.

It was Outer's...

My soul felt shattered and unable to ever be fixed, I saw traces of blood on his jacket and slowly I saw blood dripping from my finger tips, and I held onto the jacket and brought it close to my skull, as I felt tears dripping down my cheek-bones my grip tightened.

I screamed in agony, and every sob that came out of my mouth felt my whole body was in pain, I continued to sob loudly and heard voices.

"What a pathetic excuse for a sans"



"I'll make you pay for what you've done!"

"This is why you should of listened to me partner. Loving someone just gets in the way"




"I'm Sorry! Okay!? I'm sorry! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed out, and tears just began to pour out of my eye-sockets then I heard a voice.



"Killer Wake up!!!"

I jolted up, and Inhaled and let it out heavily, I felt sweat dripping down my skull and looked around.
I was on the couch, with a soft blanket on me and I was cuddling Outer. I noticed he was looking at me with a scared expression, and I looked down trembling.

"Killer...are you ok?" Outer asked me and cupped my cheek-bones, I could only let out a sob and I hugged Outer tightly. He was startled by my action, but he hugged me back tightly and I continued to sob.

"O..outer...I.." I cut myself off as I sobbed and Outer swayed me back and forth, he rubbed circles on my spine and I gulped and pulled away slightly to stare at my love.

"It's ok... Nothing happened" Outer said.

"It still hurts..." I sobbed, and Outer kissed me and swayed me back and forth once again.

"I know..I know Killer, the feeling is familiar...but it's ok, I'm here...nothing happened to me" Outer said quietly to me and I sniffled, I sighed and nodded.I then lied my skull on his lap, and yawned..although I'm tired, I don't want to go to sleep.

Outer then rubbed my skull, and I relaxed more, I felt myself feeling drowsy and slowly closed my eye-sockets half-way.

"No...Starry... I don't want to..." I said and I fully closed my eye-sockets, but before going into a deep slumber I heard Outer say something.

"Don't worry...I'll make sure nothing happens... I promise Killer" then he murmured something.

"Because I love you." Then I smiled, then hummed as I whispered out.

"I love you too...Starry..."

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