~Chapter 16~ Not Even 24 hours

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Third Person POV

While Outer!Papyrus was strolling through Stardin, he heard quiet sobs of pure pain, quickly Papyrus ran to the sounds of wail that soon soften. 

Once he reached to the destination, he found one of Nightmare's minions on the ground surrounded by a massive amount of blood.

His eye-sockets widen as he stares at the unconscious skeleton and was unsure what to do, their last encounter was when they were abducted, however he cannot just leave him... Maybe he changed?... Well even if he didn't, there wouldn't be much to do.

With his wounds it will be a struggle especially to do quick reflexes and such, so he then picks him up gently...he notices the real knife on the ground and frowns.

He leaned down to the ground slightly and lets go of Killer from one hand, he then picks up the knife that still has fresh stains of blood, ...realizing this is his weapon.

Papyrus then proceeds to clean the smeared knife and grabs the jacket that is on the ground, then carefully wraps the jacket around the knife. 

He then puts the jacket above Killer's chest and properly holds him again and starts walking to his residence.


Killer's POV

I shift slightly...and groan...I then realize I'm on something soft...I open my eye-sockets and rise up slightly, ...I'm on a couch huh? I look around, and cringe slightly

...I forgot what I had done to myself and it still fucking stings.

Knock Knock

...I hear knocking from the door beside me, and I stare at it as the knocks come once again, the door then opens, to reveal the skeleton I've been familiar with these last few months.

"You'know you were supposed to say whose there?" and I sighed.

"Whose there?..." I said and then he gives the most dramatic surprised expression I've ever seen.

"Gee, Forgotten about me already? Here I thought we were friends" He spoke in a slight sad tone and to that I only snort.

"pft- good to see you again" He then smiles and walks into the room, and closes the door behind him and sits down on the couch about two pillows away.

"You too, but it's been less than 24 hours since we last saw each-other."...So I was out less than I thought... that's odd

"Eh, so what happened?" I asked the space skeleton and he hummed for a second.

"Well, I know for certain that my brother had found you...around lot's of blood and so uh we gave you hospitality I suppose...right now he's with Undyne..and uh he told me to came and check on ya" ..I nod and look around...to notice my jacket on a table that is folded up.

I notice Outer glances at my sleeves that is slightly drenched in blood, but he hasn't said anything about it which is a relief.

"Well I enjoyed our time together...y'know with the meteor shower and...you showing me around Stardin..." I sweat from how weird that must of sounded and slightly look away, avoiding any eye contact.

To that he smiles and nods.

"I agree, it was pretty nice and relaxing, plus it involved in doing nothing" We both snorted, and my arm starts to sting more slightly...with my other hand I cover it and clutch it, and attempt to ignore the pain.

"Look at you...pathetic. Haven't I told you already, that this makes you weaker? You'll just go through the trouble of repeating history." Darn it... the demon is still here, Just go away this ain't the time.

"You can't get rid of me Partner. I thought you enjoyed being a sadistic murderer, that didn't stop you torturing poor underswap... What makes this one any different?"

"How can you make this any worse? You betrayed your own team, you attacked them. Allowed the prisoners to escape, made Nightmare furious at you and kicked you out for the time being.

"You are allowing your emotions get in the way once again."

"I Did say I am going to make your days a living hell after-all."

No! Shut Up! This is just all in my head! You aren't Real... You Are Dead!

Those horrifying screams are becoming unbearable...

Those monsters pleaded for their life.

Why did my brother allow me to do this?

This manipulation changed me... I'm so Sinister

They are dead but they continue to haunt me

I Regret what I've done . . .

For remembering my sins...I'm beginning to recognize I'm feeling remorse...regret...guilt and the sins will crawl down my spine for all eternity.

I'll forever be in a dark tunnel and never escape the maze I trapped myself in, I don't understand...

Suddenly my thoughts were cut off as I felt...something warm on my shoulder, I flinch and get out of my imagination... and look towards to the warmth that is touching my shoulder.

...Outer is giving me a calm expression...reassuring me that it's ok and I forget what I was just thinking about...

I stare at this odd skeleton, as I feel some light in my eye-sockets...then he gives a pat on my shoulder and feel my skull slightly heat up...from embarrassment of being a bad guy?... 

That someone good is helping me?...

I'm not certain.

Target Settled|Outer!Sans x Killer!SansWhere stories live. Discover now