~Chapter 25~ Strive for your Death

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~Video+Remix by Nick Nitro~

Dream's POV

We were inside Nightmare's castle and currently we are exploring quietly as we can, I acknowledge the dark wood was making creaks so we'd just hope nobody heard. 

We then stopped at a hallway that split into multiple corridors, we agreed to separate ways before arriving but should all stay close by together, in-case of danger, we kept moving slowly. But what gets me off-guard is I saw a dimmed lighted room beside me, being cautious I peek through the slightly opened door.

 I then saw Horror, Dust and Cross playing some sort of a card game, all of them don't seem happy yet it probably gave them entertainment. I was about to continue following Ink and Blue when I heard something between the trio.

"Fuck. This may be the end" Horror said dimly.

"Psh, as if. Just cause Nightmare will finally kill his brother of his, it just means he gets what he wants and sanses like us get to do whatever the fuck we want." Dust responded to Horror.

"What about Killer?" Cross then says bluntly, the other two skeletons then stares at him and raises an eye-socket.

"What about him?" Horror asked and Cross sighed.

"Y'know... after the next encounter with the colourful sanses, Killer is going to go back being the emotionless sadistic husk we've all known. He was gone for a while after the massive escape then he returned all-" Cross was interrupted by Dust.

"Mushy and depressed. Sure the boss wouldn't tell us but I'd say he was with the space sans for those days. Never in my damn life I've seen him get all shitty about someone, especially on the opposing team." Cross glares at Dust, but brushed it as he put a card in the middle of the table. 

"You saying Killer has gained feelings for him?" Horror whispered and Dust nodded.

"I mean come on! Back at the battle he was frozen for a few seconds to seemingly make a choice between helping me or Outer, and instead attacks both of us." Dust said and threw a card into the pile of cards.

"Pathetic" Horror mumbled.

I then finally stop listening and accidentally made the door open more which causes a loud creaking noise, my soul then stops working for a second and I notice the sanses slowly look at the door, I quickly bolt away attempting to make no noise as possible and hide behind a pillar.

I wait around a minute to finally move and groan to myself as I notice I should of stayed with Swap and Ink, too cliche.

I walk around the dark and hollow corridors and whisper yelling out for Ink and Dream, I then remember where I am as I see a familiar passage. For certain I've found where Nightmare would usually sit around as if it was a throne, I then peek around the ground to see if my brother is in the room.

Thankfully he isn't, I then enter the room and look around me and to defend myself, I grab my bow and arrows and place him on correctly. I look around and something grabs my attention, I slowly gaze at it realizing its a painting of me and my brother. 

We were both smiling and it was full of joy, I lowered my bow and felt tears starting to pour out of my eye-sockets but then suddenly I heard a slimy sound behind me and a menacing laugh.

I turn around and aim my bow behind me with full concentration, to only see nothing but only hear chuckles as it echos around me.

"Why isn't it my dear Brother Dream? It has been months! How have you been?" I only tremble slightly, and twirl around to aim my bow around me.

"Ignoring me now? I thought you were joyful brother, full of purity and happiness. Oh! and Supposedly the brother who've done nothing wrong." I then hear muffling, but the slimy sound only gets louder and soon covers the sound, I then inhale and finally spoke up.

"I didn't mean any of this to happen! I didn't turn you into the tar monster you've become." I spoke firmly and I heard an angered growl.

"Monster? Well you're supposed to protect everyone's hopes and dreams. Look what the damage this has caused." Then suddenly I drop my bow as I felt myself being grabbed by tentacles and pulled, to then face my brother.

"Oh How Long I've waited for the moment, to finally see you die and there will no longer be only positivity left." He said then glances behind me and chuckles.

"And Why Not allow your friends watch to finally see how you die." I then gasp and look behind me, to see Ink and Swap pushed into the room by tar Papyruses and Killer.

 "DREAM!" Both Ink and Swap yell out to this I feel the tentacles around me get tighter,and Killer only watched with exhaustion in his eye-sockets.

But that all changed when he saw someone too familiar was in view.

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