Chapter 5: Still Need Mom

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"You're gonna be okay." Kamilla said.

"You sound like you're convincing yourself and not me."

She sighed and and looked at me.

"I'm scared okay? And you're acting like a bitch at this moment. It's serious Jace."

"Aite aite. But put yourself in my position. How would you feel if a nigga stuffing they fingers up your ass?"

"I gave birth to two babies. It's nothing you can't handle. She looked at me and fold her arms.

"Good morning again... Mr Menefee. May we begin?"

"No." i said and he rose his brow.

"He's just scared. That's all." Kamilla said.

"There's nothing to be scared about. Just relax."

"How am-" i said before Kamilla covered my mouth.

"Relax." she told me and i sighed.

"Lay on your side for me please." the doctor told me.

I did what he said and watch as he rubbed some kind of lubricant over his finger. The one he was going to use.

This nigga really had the nerve, to spread my butt cheeks. I was taken aback. He didn't warn me. I only felt him stuffing my butt. That's all i could say.

If you think it didn't hurt, it did. It burned. And I felt violated. All the while, Kamilla was there as support. It was almost as if she felt the pain i was going through.

"Well Mr. Menefee, it was just a false alarm. You're perfectly fine. Although, you need to start eating healthier."

"What about the blood?" i ask.

"That's stress. Stress comes in all forms so i suggest whatever it is that's stressing you, solve it. I'm prescribing you to some pills that will lower your stress levels and please take it until it's finish." he said and i nodded.

"Babe how do you feel?" Kamilla looked at me.

"Violated." i mumbled.

"It was for a good cause." she rubbed my chest. We were currently at home after buying my medication and picking up the babies.

It was silent for a bit since Kamilla was just looking at me.

"Jacion. Are you gonna see your parents?"

"Yes Kam."

"Next week?"

"Why you asking me all these questions?"

"Because i want whats best for you. For us. I talk to my dad every week and check up on him. It's no reason you have to be avoiding your parents, especially your mom."

"I have my reasons."

"No shit. What?" she frowned.

"Kam just leave it."

"No. Talk to me."

I sighed, finally looking at her. "I'm still afraid of her."

"Why? She's very nice."

"To you she is because she loves you."

"So she doesn't love you?"

"She does but she'll get in my ass about how i ran away and shit."

"You didn't ran away babe. We just changed our lifestyle. Just call her, you'll never know what she'll say."

"You spoke to her haven't you?" i looked at her.

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