Chapter 8: Threesome

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"You look beautiful."

"Thank you." I smiled.

Tonight, Mason was taking me on a date to the club. I was always the one to do the most partying, out of my brother and my sister, so I was pretty much used to the club scene.

Ever since I enrolled into college, I've been enjoying myself more and just having fun. And like any other college student, I was wild and free. Well not really wild, but you get my point. It wasn't like my parents didn't allow me to have fun, they do, but to a certain extent.

We arrived at the club that was about 20 minutes from the college and easily got in. Mason was friends with half of the 'players' and luckily, they knew the club owner. The scene was very nice, bottles of liquor were being passed around as well as shot glasses, blunts and girls. The club smelt like pure sex and liquor with Sex In The Lounge blasting loudly throughout the whole place.

We weren't in VIP simply because Mason didn't want me around all the smoking the guys were doing but instead, we were standing against the wall, upstairs, where we could get a view of the whole club that was  below us.

I was currently sipping on some diva vodka Mason got for me. I was leaning on him as he wrapped his arms around my waist while consuming some whiskey. My hips were barely moving against him and every now and then, he'd grip my waist and whisper something nasty in my ear, making me laugh.

Knowing Mason for 2 months, have been the best time of my life. He was my sixth, and hopefully my last boyfriend. I broke my virginity with my fourth ex boyfriend, Noah, and I didn't regret it one bit because he was a virgin as well, so you know how it goes. We were still cool, we talk whenever we could but we were busy. As for the rest of my ex, I don't have anything nice to say about them.

My dad even found out about me losing my virginity because I accidentally sent him a text that was suppose to go to Noah. We ended up having a whole damn conversation about it and surprisingly, he was cool with it. He was hurt the he didn't have the conversation with me earlier but he just told me to be careful.

And for Mason, I hopefully wish we last forever because I seriously cannot take another heartbreak. He was perfect, kinda reminding me of how my dad treats my mom but he was more delicate when it comes to me. My parents however, they play very hard and rough, literally. They scare me sometimes.

"Enjoying yourself?" Mason whispered in my ear.

"Mhm. You?"

"If you're enjoying yourself, then I am too." He leaned down and kissed my lips. This was another thing with him. The simplest things he do, turns me on. The last time we had sex, I came all the way out of my soft side and to the freaky side of me. It was really fun.

"Babe." He sipped his drink.


"You see that girl over there?" He pointed to a lightskin girl that was in the corner by herself and no lie, she looked cute as hell. She had a short bob and her makeup was flawless. The gold dress she wore fits perfectly on her body as well as the gold heels she was in.

"Yeah what happen?" I finished what was in my cup.

"See how she staring you down? She likes you."

"No she don't." I chuckled

"She does. You wanna hit?" He ask and I knew what he was referring to.

"Can I?" I smiled.

"Go get her." He slapped my ass.

I happily walked away from him and towards her. She sat her drink down and looked at me as I leaned on the railing. I wasn't gay, but I was all about fun.

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