Chapter 7: Relationships

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"Read chapters 121 through to 123 A and B, then answer the questions that follow. Note that the questions answered will be 50% of your grade and for tomorrow's class, you will be getting a test that consists of multiple choice as well as short answer questions. That will be the next 50%. Class dismissed." The lecturer told us. I sighed and packed up my bag for the next class.

This nigga just gave us a pop quiz now he wanna throw another  one on us. Now I know why people drop out of college.

Walking out of the class, I had Technology next with Ms. Graham. After our little tutoring session,  I found myself passing her class with C 's and B's. It's been a month since the last session and ever since then, she's been flirting mad hard with me but I don't pay her any mind. I mean I think about her every now and then but she was never my main topic or focus.

Lately however, Nordia been on some bullshit and that's something my dad and I don't ever deal with. Bullshit, lies and disloyalty, I don't fuck with them. And Nordia been on that shit.

About last week, my nigga called me up and told me he was seeing this girl, we always tell each other everything so he was like my next go to. To my surprise tho, I heard her voice. In no way or form, I ever introduced my girlfriend to my friends. Never. And that's a fact. Clarke didn't tell me the girls name cause he wanted them to get serious first, which I agree with. I was just keeping my assumptions and suspicions to myself.

We currently have a pop quiz and while going through the paper, I found it to be one of the easiest test I did. I don't know if it was because I studied, but it was easy.

After finishing the quiz, she was telling us about the mid terms we had before our Christmas break and speaking of, I couldn't wait to see my family. My mom especially, I just love that woman with my insides and my heart.

"Nasir." I heard her voice. Looking up from my phone, she was standing right there beside me.


"Are you busy later?"

"Yeah why? Wassup?" I leaned back and look up at her.

"Oh I was just wondering if you would like to come over for a movie or something since it's Friday." She chuckled nervously.

Oh she's bold bold.

"Maybe if I'm done with whatever, I could slide through, no promises though."

"Okay." She had a huge ass childish smile on her face, causing me to chuckle.

Class finished smoothly, unlike my other classes, they always end with homework or some shit. Making my way across campus to my dorm, Nordia finally decide to call me after a month.

"Hey babe." She said and I rolled my eyes.


"Sorry I haven't been calling you, I've been so busy lately."

"You couldn't send a text?"

"I'm sorry babe. I have a surprise for you though, it's to make up for the time I haven't been communicating with you." She said and I smiled.

"What is it?"

"You'll see soon. Love you."

"Wait wa-" I said and she hung up.

Shaking my head, I stopped at a burger shop before making my way to the dorm. The frat brothers were there so I greeted them and continued walking. I really wasn't in whatever group they formed because it looks like too much work. And they always ask me on multiple occasion to join them but I declined. It ain't in me. The pledges and those bullshit? I ain't with it.

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