Chapter 6: Just Friends

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"Natalia do we have class today?"

"No. We get Fridays and the weekends off." i mumbled.

"Oh. Sorry to bother you then." she said.

I didn't answer. I was too tired from all the work i did during the week. It's been two weeks since Martinique moved in and i could say that it was the best thing that happen to me since being in college. She was very cool, jovial and understanding. She literally doesn't let anything bother her.

I had a few essays and assignments to be done and i wanted to get them out of the way so i could be free for the weekend. My homework and assignments were always easy so it wasn't anything to worry about.

For the past hours, I've been sleeping and I felt unproductive so I got up and checked the time that stated 1 in the evening. I made breakfast and during that time, I realise that Martinique wasn't in her room or anywhere. I went back to my room and got started on the homework I had to do.

"Hey." I heard her say.

"Hey. Where you went?"

"A tutoring session."

"Really? I could've tutor you."

"I didn't want to bombard you." She frowned.

"Mars you wouldn't. It wouldn't be a problem."

"Well I'll cancel on them next time." She said and I smiled. "I'm gonna take a shower."

When she left my room, I finished my last assignments before cleaning up and taking a shower. Now that I didn't have anything to do, I could relax and catch up on some movies. I could even call my twins.

Getting dressed in a shorts, top and a pair of socks, I did my hygiene after, then laid in bed. I picked up my phone and call Reagan and Nasir three way and surprisingly, they picked up.

"Sup." Nasir said.

"Hey. What y'all doing?"

"Heading to class, what's up?" Reagan said.

"I'm bouta hit the gym."

"I miss you guys." I pouted.

"I miss y'all too. College is hard." Reagan said.

"I know right. A nigga can't get a damn break."

"Nasir we told you this." Reagan said.

"Right. There isn't a break in college unless you're sleeping or it's a holiday. Work now, sleep later." I told him.

"Whatever man. Any nigga looking at y'all too hard?"

"Nope." Reagan answered quickly.

"Reagan you a lie." I laughed.

"You got a boyfriend huh?" Nasir looked at her.

"Nasir it's not your business."

"It's my business fool. We were born on the same day, and we like the same things so I'm you, and you're me."

"You like dick?"

"Get the fuck off my phone." He hung up and we laughed.

"You know you're gonna have to apologize right? He's sensitive."

"I know. And I don't give a fuck. Nasir can kiss my ass." Reagan rolled her eyes.

"You better have the same energy when you call him."

"I will. So what's going on with you?"

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"Come on Talia."

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