Chapter 10: The Message (pt 2)

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"Brett leave me alone." I rolled my eyes and gripped my books closer to my body as I made my way down the hall to my locker.

"Come on. Stop moving like that. Ain't we friends?"

"Okay first of all, I only tutor you for a week. We're not friends and won't ever be one. So if you consider yourself as a friend of mine, that's on you."

"So you don't wanna be friends?"

"No I don't. So stop following me around and continue to hate on me like the rest of them." I rolled my eyes.

"Natalia just one time. Let me show you how a real nigga do. Let  me take you out once, and if you don't like it, I'll leave you alone."

"No." I opened my locker and put my books in. "And a real nigga would leave me alone."


"Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"I don't. Sonya and I broke up." He placed his arm on the locker over my head.

"Whupee. Get out my way."

"Let me take you out."

"No." i said and he blocked me so I couldn't move.

He looked around and held a guy by his shirt, pulling him over to us.

"Do I have a girlfriend?" He ask the guy.

"No. Isn't Sonya with that guy on the baseball team?"

"See. Move." Brett told him and he seemed a little intimidated.

"I don't want nobody. Plus I'm gay, so you're out of my league."

"Baby girl I can change that. Just let me slide through."

"I don't even know why I'm wasting my time with you." I pushed him out of the way and quickly made my way to my dorm.

Brett was so persistent. He's been asking me on a date since before we went on Christmas break and even though I thought he would change his mind, he didn't. Apparently, he won't stop until I give in and say yes. Which I will never do.

Christmas at my parents was very relieving and i was happy i wasn't at school. I've got chance to meet my brother and spend more time with my family. I even spoke about my girlfriend with my mom. Martinique isn't my girlfriend yet, but I like her. I really hope she wants me to be her girlfriend and not nobody else. Mom told me to focus on school but damn, I need some foreign love.

I had to tutor someone hence why Martinique and I split up after class. Entering my dorm, it was quiet. Instead of looking for her, I went straight to my room and got settled. It was about 5 in the evening and i was exhausted. I had a presentation on operative dentistry tomorrow, a twenty page essay to write for Anatomy and I'm only at page 7 and I had a speech to prepare for Microbiology.

I took a shower and did my hygiene before getting dressed in something warm then got started on my assignments. When I was finish writing my essay and practicing my speech, it was 9 at night and I was  getting a little antsy because Martinique was gone, and she wasn't answering my calls.

I was getting worried that I began to pace the living room, thinking about the possibilities of her leaving me. But then again her stuff was still in her room which made me realise that she never came home after class because I haven't seen her bag.

Hours went by and she haven't returned. I kept checking her room in the middle of the night and she still wasn't home. And when I say hours, I meant the next day.

It was 7:45 am and I had a class in 15 minutes. I picked up my papers after slinging my bag across my shoulder and left, hoping that I would bump into her on the way or she would even come to class.

I didn't.

I was now on the podium to present on my topic. It was suppose to be an hour long and I was 30 minutes in. As I was speaking of the Buccal Cavity, I saw Martinique slickly walked in and took a seat. I continued either way, having a lot of questions to ask her.

She wore a neat bun and her dressing was informal. Which wasn't usual. She normally dressed casually every time.

After my presentation, I took a seat and watched the other presentations from my classmates. As expected, I got the highest which was a 19.5/20. I only had a minor problem and that was because I was nervous when I started.

I was eager for class to finish and when it did, I packed up my stuff and made my out of the class where Martinique was waiting for me by the door. She didn't say anything and I didn't either. We just kept it moving to our Management and Supervision class.


It wasn't until our Biochemistry class, that ended at 6pm, we went home, and still, we haven't said a word to each other. She opened the door and I walked in before her.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." She blurted out.

I turned around and she was looking right at me.

"I was worried Mars. Where were you?"

"My mom popped up on me after class yesterday and I had to change real quick because she told me that I should dress proper wherever I was attending a class."

"What? Why?"

"She's a pretty strict dentist and expect the best from me."

"Do you want to be a dentist?"

"Of course I do. This is something I wanted and I chose it... I'm sorry I missed your calls." She stepped closer to me.

"It's fine now that I know you're okay. I was worried. I thought you forgot where you live." I frowned and she giggled.

"I never forget. I just had to show my mom that I was dressing as she expected. She always say first impression last." She rubbed my cheek.

At this point, there was no space between us.

"Just don't do it again. Please."

"I promise I won't." She smiled, looking down at me since i was 4'9 and she was 5'2. "It was just a little spur of the moment thing."

Catching me totally off guard, she kissed me and I immediately kiss her back. It was like a burst of fireworks in my stomach. I literally felt wet when she wrapped her free arm around my back and pulled me closer to her.

She pecked my lips twice before we pulled away.

"Where you going?" She ask me.

"To change my underwear. I'm gonna take shower for that matter." I told her and she laughed.

After my shower, I helped her with calculus since there was something she didn't understand, then we ate chinese. And at this current moment, she had her arms wrapped around my waist while she laid behind me on my bed. We were watching a random show because we both wanted to sleep and sleeping in the dark wasn't helping.

Soon, I heard light snores coming from her so I knew she fell asleep.

My phone vibrated under my pillow and I reached for it, reading the text that I received from a random number.

020- 7943-9101
- You're gonna regret this.
1:39 am

To say I was scared is an understatement. Nobody don't like me so i was really wondering who had my number. I don't give everybody my number. Only the person's closest to me like my family and Martinique.

I couldn't sleep. It was like i was being taunted by nothing but a text message.

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