Chapter 3: Babysitting

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Eren's POV

"You're gonna behave this time, right?" I heard Daddy asking me as we got up into this apartment. He told me that I wasn't gonna stay home with a babysitter... but instead, I was gonna go and play with Iris! It made my heart go... go... boom boom! And I was so, so excited! "If you're not gonna behave, I'm not gonna have Miss Hanji watch over you."

I nodded my head, trying not to jump in joy. "Okay, okay! I'll behave! I'll behave!"

We stopped in front of this door, and Daddy had to knock on it. When the door opened, I saw Miss Hanji! And Iris was behind her! I gave her a little wave as Miss Hanji let me inside. As I went to hug Iris, we both heard our parents talking to each other. But it didn't matter. I was happy I can go and play.

"Eren, I'm leaving." I stopped saying hi to Iris and I quickly went back to Daddy. "I'll be back as soon as I can, alright? Be good. Remember what I said."

I gave him one last hug, nodding my head. "Yes, Daddy! I'll behave like a good boy! Have fun at work, okay? Can I get candy from your work? Oh, so can Iris? Please, please, please?!"

Daddy chuckled a bit, giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Of course. Now, be nice and share your toys. I don't want to get a call from Miss Hanji about you being a little troublemaker. I mean it when I say this is your one and only chance. Misbehave, and you're not gonna be watched by Miss Hanji and Iris."

I nodded my head, stepping back into the room. "Okay, okay!"

"Most importantly, have fun."

"I will!"

Daddy looked over to Miss Hanji, giving her a slight chuckle. "Give me a call any time- I respond better with phone calls. Eren has $20 in his backpack- so if you guys go out, Iris and Eren can split the $20 and do whatever they want with it."

"Oh... thanks... you're really generous. I'll be sure to let them know. I'll give a call when we leave to go somewhere for lunch or something. Thank you again for letting me watch Eren."

"I'm just glad we can help each other. I stop working around 5. I'll call you when I leave my workplace."

Miss Hanji nodded her head, thanking Daddy once more. Soon enough, I had to wave my daddy away as he went off to be a hero to other kids! He was really, really a great papa! I turned back to Iris, looking around for her daddy, but it seemed she didn't have one. 

"Do you wanna watch TV?" Iris asks, pointing at her TV show. "I-I know it's for girls..."

"I don't mind! I ended up sitting next to her as Miss Hanji was drinking something out of her mug. I turned to her, peering at the mug. "What's that, Miss Hanji?"

She smiles softly, "Coffee. Does your dad drink that kind of stuff?"

My head went side to side. "Nope! He said that he doesn't like the taste. But he really, really likes tea! Black tea, in fact! I help him make tea in the mornings when he's leaving for work. He said I'm a really good brewer! Does Iris' daddy drink coffee too?"

Iris tapped on my shoulder, "Mommy doesn't like it when you mention him... he's a bad man..."

"A bad man...?" My head tilted a bit, thinking about it. "Well... maybe my daddy can beat yours! He's a hero!"

"A hero?" Miss Hanji chuckles softly, walking over with her cup of coffee in her hands. "What kind of hero is he, Eren? I don't think he's a police officer, is it?"

I smiled brightly, standing on my knees and giggling. "Nope! He's a hero because he saves all kids of kids from bad places! He's a really good hero! One time, he said he had to leave me alone at the house for a little while because he had to go out on a mission. He brought home a little girl with bruises all over her. He said for me to take care of her! And I'm one of her best friends! Her name is Mikasa! He really, really protects the kids and saves them from bad people!"

Iris sat next to me, tilting her head towards me. "Saves... from bad people...? Oh! So could he save me from my daddy? He sounds like a good hero! Mommy, can Eren's daddy save us from Daddy?"

When I turned to see Miss Hanji's face, she was somewhat... confused. "Wait... do you know what kind of job it is? The name, I mean."

I scratched the back of my head as I tried to think more of Daddy's job. "Uh... c-child... protection...? Something like that... but I call him a hero!"

"Child Protective Services?"

"Uh huh! That's it!" I smiled brightly, looking towards Iris. "I can ask my daddy if he can take down more bad guys for you! After all, you're my friend, Iris!"

Iris began to smile, making my heart go ba-boom again. She hugged me, holding me tightly- like she was my little sister! I wanted to be a hero like my dad! Helping everyone and being a hero! "Thank you, Eren! I hope your dad can defeat the bad guy that my daddy is!"

I nodded my head, "I'll go and ask him when he comes back!"

Miss Hanji giggled softly, holding me tightly. "Alright, alright, that's enough. In 3 hours, we'll go out to the mall and have some ice cream- what do you say?"

I jumped, hugging her too. "Ooh! That sounds cool! Can I have a burger?!"

"We'll see when we get there, shall we? But first, let's play here. And before we go to the mall, we need to follow some certain rules that I have. Think you can do that for me, Eren?"

"Yep! I'm a good boy, after all!"

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