Chapter 17: Our Secret

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Levi's POV

Ensuring there was a smile on my children's faces, I gave them their own small ice cream cones to last them for over an hour or so. Just until it was time to leave to back home. I said that I would only buy them the ice cream if they do two things: stay sane the whole entire time and keep the ring a secret.

They were sitting on the bench inside the jewelry store, giggling and eating their ice cream as I began to search. Marriage didn't quickly cross my mind... I just thought of it as... something we can achieve later. When Eren was still inside of Petra... I didn't think of marrying just yet. When I finally had the mentality to do so... she was taken.

I hope... that Hanji won't be taken away from me as well. Eren... it was never, ever your fault. Things just happen. The bad things just happen to everyone- even to the pure-hearted ones. And Iris... she was just as pure as Eren. Things just happen...

Getting lost in thought, I didn't realize that Eren was tugging at my shirt. Snapping out, I turned to look at him. "What's wrong, buddy?"

"I gotta use the potty..."

I sighed, thanking the clerk before escorting the two kids to the bathroom. But there was that one thing that I've gotten nervous about. Should I allow Iris to go to the women's bathroom by herself and help Eren? Or should I just go into the family one to keep an eye out on both? But then... I didn't want Eren and Iris to be weirded out when... 


Once more, I snapped out of it all. "Oh, uh... sorry, Eren. We're gonna use the family bathroom."

"Aw... but why...?"

I chuckled softly, leading him into the open family stall. "Because we can't go into the girls' bathrooms. And Iris can't come into the boys' one either. Besides, I get to keep an eye out on you guys."

A little while later, the little ones were done with the bathroom time. I returned, with both hand-in-hand, and continued to shop for a ring. Still... this was one of the most difficult things...

"D-Daddy..." Another tug on my arm as I tried to shop. I turned to my left, this time, it was Iris. She yawned a bit, leaning her head against my hip. "I-I'm tired..."

"Trouble handling them?" I looked up to the woman, chuckling softly. She leans over the counter, holding a container of candy. "Here, sweetie, take a candy. You guys can take a nap on the bench too."

Iris nods her head, taking two pieces of candy and walking back to Eren. It wasn't long until she passes out on the bench with Eren following suit. I chuckled softly, "Thanks, ma'am."

The woman waved her hand, as if she was saying, 'no problem.' "I know how it is- twins of my own. Whoever you're marrying must be amazing."

"Yeah... she is amazing." I chuckled softly, continuing to search through the rings. "That's why I want the best for her. I don't want to lose her... if you know what I mean..."

"I understand. Ensuring that she's the one for you." The woman chuckles, reaching towards a ring. "If you feel that none of these rings here seems to fit your liking, we do offer some customizable rings- but of course, it'll be at a higher price."

I chuckled a bit, looking down through the glass display. "I don't mind. Though I will go to other stores to see my other options if the ones I see here aren't what I wanted."

A few more minutes passed by, and I was almost settling on this one ring. I saw it... the golden metal wrapping around a small diamond on top. It was just beautiful... and... I was in love with it. Was it impatience that got me to buy the ring? I bet it was that. My impatience... because I didn't want to browse around the other stores. I bought that ring then and there.

*   *   *

We were piling into my car, and the two little ones were already awake. I chuckled softly, turning to them before I even started the car. They were a bit confused, looking directly at me.

"Daddy, what's wrong...?" Eren asks with his head tilting a bit.

This mischievous feeling began to awaken inside of me. No wonder kids love being mischievous little fellows.  "Don't tell Miss Hanji about what we did today, okay? Just say we went shopping. Keep whatever we did a secret, okay?"

"Why hide it from Mommy?" Iris asks, yawning quietly. "Don't you like Mommy?"

"I do, I do. This is just a surprise for her, okay? Let's just keep it as a secret between the three of us. I don't want to ruin a surprise for her, aren't I right?"

The two little ones nodded their heads, giggling softly. "Okay!"

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