Chapter 15: His Words, Not Mine

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Hanji's POV

"Where are you going?" I could hear Levi's groggily voice. He wasn't trying to move around much... but he did move around a bit. He was somewhat staring at me, but I'm sure he wasn't looking at me properly. I must've aroused him awake by my movement. "I can't sleep when you're tossing and turning."

I whispered softly, kissing his lips. "Sorry... just needed to use the bathroom a bit."

"Okay then. I'll try to head back to sleep." He says softly, followed by a few soft snores.

Chuckling softly, I quietly made my way towards the bathroom, doing my business a bit. Just when I was washing up, my phone began to ring. Knowing Levi... he was going to flip when he hears that ringtone. Groaning a bit, I dried my hands before running towards my phone in the bedroom.

Levi, clearly upset, had the lamp light on and holding up my phone. The face of annoyance was clear on his face. He was holding up the phone to show me the screen- an unknown phone number. He gives a gruff scoff, shaking his head. 

"What is this?"

My shoulders shrugged a bit as I crawled back into bed with him. "I-I don't know... I don't recognize that number."

Levi, once more, sighed and looked at the time. "It's 1 in the morning... I'm going to answer."


"No one in the right mind calls this late at night."

Levi proceeds to answer the phone call... and I began to shudder when I heard those first words. "Hanji, I need to talk to you." It was him. Levi had this scowl on his face when he heard those words. He glared at me, almost accusing at me. I shook my head, trying to say I had nothing to do about it. "Hanji, you hear me?"

I sighed, leaning close to the phone and swallowing my fear.  "W-What do you want, Erwin...?"

Levi's face nearly became relieved, but he still kept on this scowl. He never made a sound. "I wanted to talk regarding Iris."

"W-What about her? You're not going to take her from me-"

"Oh yes, I can. She's my daughter, and I want her. You're a terrible mother, Hanji. Iris says so when she's with me. Would you like to hear a recording of that?"

Fear began to sink into me, but I shook my head and remained strong. "I don't need a recording. Iris wants to stay with me, and that's that. Besides, you didn't want to have Iris in the first place. I had to leave over to Nanaba's place to keep her away from you. You don't deserve Iris."

Erwin sighed heavily, shaking his head. "You really want to go down that path, Hanji...?"

"I want full custody of her."

"You'll lose the case."

"I'm not going to lose the case. I have no reason to lose custody over Iris." I say, trying to keep my mouth shut about Levi. Plus... he must never know about the unborn child. Erwin would try to take custody of the child as well... knowing fully well it would not be his child. "Why do you want to have her? I want the truth!"

Once more, Erwin gave a heavy sigh. "My love," anger just began to boil my blood when I heard him trying to sweet-talk me, "I just want to have more time with my daughter."

"I don't want you near her- at all. I will win the case."

"Suit yourself. You'll lose everything that you own. I will force you into a cage that would never let you go. I'll keep you in my claws- I will ensure that you won't be able to smile again. I don't understand why I was with you... that's my daughter."

Soon enough, he hangs up and I fell into Levi's arms. I couldn't hold my tears back. Levi put the phone to the side, wrapping his arms around me. I felt his warmth surrounding me... and it was so kind... so caring... I could always show my true side to him. He shushes me softly with his deep voice. His hand gently caressing my cheek.

"I got you..." He says softly, kissing my cheek. "Honestly... I thought it was because you were cheating on me... but now... I understand. Sorry if I was a bit angry at you..."

I shook my head, smiling softly but continued crying. "No no, that's fine. You never heard Erwin's voice before... I understand... you have every right to be angry at me."

"Why would I be mad at you? You've done nothing? I just assumed something. Come on, let's head off to bed now. I got work tomorrow... but Farlan doesn't need you at the office. Come to think of it... what did he want from you?"

Remembering back, I sighed softly. "He wanted permission if I would allow Iris to do her business and record evidence. Just gave us a lecture. Levi... would I... would I lose this case...? I don't want to lose Iris..."

"Don't worry, Hanji." He says to me with a soft smile. "We'll handle it. We'll win this case... okay? I promise. We will win this case."

I smiled softly, laying my head in his chest as his arms continued to wrap around me under the blanket. Just his reassurance words were enough to tuck me to bed. "Okay... I hope... we... win..."

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