Chapter 26: His Email

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Levi's POV

Tucking the two kids to bed, I crept back to our room. Just a few days after we got confirmation on the baby- thank goodness it wasn't twins. Just the fact I was getting a little girl lit my face up. I couldn't keep that smile off of my face. A girl. A baby girl. I was going to have a child once more. A baby, no less.

Trying to keep my face neutral, I walked into the bedroom and saw Hanji sprawled out on the bed. Of course. It took a few seconds to adjust her gently on the bed- in a safe position to ensure that the baby wouldn't be harmed at all.

I laid into bed, having my hand gently on her baby bump. My memories flooded me with Petra and me. How we were waiting for Eren to be born. At this point... we were busy arguing over what to name him. We knew it was going to be a boy- just a name was confusing.

I remember how she wanted to name Eren after my uncle, Kenny. But I denied it so many times. Naming my son after him...? Bad move. We never settled a name until Petra had whispered it seconds before her death. Eren.

My only hope was that this time... this time... Hanji would not have to whisper her daughter's name... and I would be left behind to take care of 3 of our children.

Gently kissing the baby bump, I smiled softly at it. How I wanted to see the little one inside of our arms. Eren and Iris- big siblings. How much those two had grown. Such innocent little ones... little ones growing mature.

A ding went off of Hanji's phone, and I got curious on what it was. I shouldn't have looked at it- but this time, I was glad that I did. The email had a message of: My child. Of course, I didn't have Hanji's password- and I had the patience to not bother her until it was morning. But when I slept that entirety of the night, I couldn't stop thinking about that. How much... it worried me.

*   *   *

I woke up the next morning, seeing Hanji still in bed. She was on her phone, scrolling through. 

"Hm? You're awake?"

I nodded my head, grunting as I pushed myself up and off the bed. "Hanji..." I say softly, confessing my crime. "You received an email last night...? What was that about?"

She turns to me, kissing my lips. "Do you want to read it...?"

"Hanji, of course. If it's anything against you- I have the right to know."

She nods her head in agreement, smiling a bit. "Okay then. I have nothing to hide from you."

As she hands it to me, she quickly inputted her password. I went straight to her email- she was peering over my shoulder as I did so. Scrolling through everything, I came upon that one email- it wasn't deleted. Almost like... Hanji knew well ahead of time. 

Tapping on the email, I saw that name- how it filled me with anger. Erwin Smith had sent her an email- talking about our unborn baby. How he wrote was convincing enough to break one's mind. He dared to insult my unborn child and Hanji. Insulting how we had tricked the judge about the unknown and unborn baby inside of her. How he wants to have that baby... how it was always his. 

Hanji saw this anger inside of me... "Levi... it's fine. There's no need for you to get angry. I'm sure that we both know that the baby is yours. There was no way it could've been his... you know that, right...?"

I nodded my head, kissing her. "I know... but still... has he been contacting you like this before? Any other emails?"

"No... just that one..."

"Good." I say, sighing heavily. "I need to report this in... okay? For your sake. For our baby's sake. For our kids' sake."

Hanji nodded her head, "Okay..."

"Anyways... how long have you been awake?" I say as I rubbed my eyes. "The kids were fed already?"

"No... I woke up a few minutes ago. I wanted to check a few things on my phone. No, Levi, I am not that irresponsible. The kids sound a bit silent this morning..."

"Surprising." I say, getting myself out of bed. "What do you want for breakfast? Eggs? Bacon? Bagels? Or maybe some pancakes... like chocolate and/or blueberry ones? Your choice, love."

Hanji chuckles a bit, smiling softly. How bright that smile grew... I loved it. I will forever cherish it. "I'm craving for some chocolate pancakes. With butter and syrup... oh, that sounds so delicious right now. I'll come over in a second."

She left me this mischievous glint in her eyes and smile- it would somewhat always be haunting to me. It could have different meanings- she was being a troublemaker or she was asking for something. 

"Chocolate pancakes it is."

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