Chapter 30: New Life

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Levi's POV

After Hanji's long and painful hours... she was here. Our little one... she was here. Her cries when she first breathed her first breath of air... it reminded me so much of Eren's birth. Thankfully... there was no complications with the birth. My worries were soothed over. I worried too much of Hanji's health when it was time for the birth... too afraid that she would've been...

"How is she...?"

I looked up to see Hanji, smiling weakly. The beads of sweat that was on her forehead were now gone. Our daughter gotten cleaned up already, and we were in Hanji's hospital room. The kids... they were with Isabel and Farlan- no doubt wondering why Hanji was screaming her head off and complaining about the pain. 

Looking down into my arms laid this frail infant. Her skin was as pale as mine... and whatever hair she did have was as black as mine. Her eyes remained closed- I could faintly hear her short breaths. 

"She's alright, Hanji. You just need to rest. I got her."


"We can name her after you rest, Hanji." I say with a smile, gently getting up from my seat. I kissed her forehead, chuckling a bit. "I'm not going to let her go. For you- you need to close your eyes. The kids would be coming... in a few hours."

Hanji chuckled softly, nodding her head. "I see..."

"But... I do want to take a walk. Don't worry- I got our daughter. Hanji, I promise, to the bottom of my heart, I won't let go of our daughter. I won't let anything get to her. It's just a small walk around the hospital- I won't leave this floor. I will come back to you to check up on you after every lap."

Her eyes gently fluttered close.

"I'll bring some doughnuts when I can... but that would require me to go down to the food court... just for some doughnuts... mind if I take the little angel with me?"

"Be careful..." Hanji murmured softly, nodding her head. Her head tilted a bit, then I could hear her soft snores. 

I chuckled softly, cradling the soft child in my arms. "I'll be back."

 As I started my little trek downstairs, there was this... feeling. This feeling throbbed in my heart... continuing to throb as I walked downstairs to the food court. Our daughter never cried- not once. Every few steps forward, I looked down at the infant in my arms. How quiet she stayed...

The second I took a look at her once I reached inside of the food court... her eyes slowly opened up. Though... she never cried. Her eyes were these silver-gray pearls that shone brightly in the sun. My head leaned close to her- her soft little coos. 

She was different than Eren. Eren cried whenever he wasn't with his mother. The first time he had opened his eyes... Eren wouldn't stop his crying. His fists were always balled up- thrashing in my arms. He wouldn't stop... and he couldn't be with his true mother anymore. I had to hold him... and... he just wouldn't stop. I think that's when my first breakdown happened... 

"Hey little one..." I chuckled softly, holding her closer than ever. "You awake?"

Another soft coo came after that. A bit of her drool dripped out of her mouth as she just stared at me. 

"Don't worry- we'll getting something for Mommy. Just a few sweet stuff for her to snack on... and then... you know... a little more bonding time before your older siblings arrive. Yes... you have two older siblings. They aren't twins... though they act like twins. I have no doubt that they would take care of their little sister..."

*   *   *

A plate of 3 chocolate doughnuts was in one of my hands as I carried the little girl in my other arm. Surprisingly, I was able to balance the two- not dropping a single thing. She continued to drool and coo softly in my arm- unfortunately I didn't bring a change of clothes to change my shirt. I've forgotten how much drool a baby can do. 

"Hanji, I'm back." I say under my breath to not disturb her sleep. "Little one's awake now."

I sat down, cradling the little baby. I sat on Hanji's left, which gave me a clear view of the door. I couldn't believe it... how dare he violate the restraining order?

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