Chapter 11: Mistakes Will Happen

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Hanji's POV

Being pregnant once is a first-hand experience to prepare you if you were to ever have a second one. I don't know when I got pregnant again... but I did. It was like an instinct to know if and when I was pregnant. In the midst of trying to gain full custody of my little one... we are bound have another one. Thankfully, it's not that bastard of a guy. 

I was just standing in the bathroom with my mouth agape. My eyes stared hard into the pregnancy tester... positive. 

Levi began to knock on the bathroom door, checking up on me. "You okay?" I slightly nodded my head, just stunned on what to do. The tester confirmed my instinct. "Hanji, talk to me. What does it say?"


He chuckles softly, tapping on my shoulder a bit. "Whatever you choose, I don't mind. It's my fault in general."

I chuckled as well, turning around and kissing him. "I want to have the baby..."

"If you choose that... move in with me then." He says softly, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You're in no shape raising an infant in that apartment. Stay with me... please? Iris would have Eren to play with... more space... more time for Iris to be a child with Eren. Again, more space for the baby."

Leaning into him, I know that he was a true father... "You really don't mind me staying here?"

"Well one... there are a ton of space for you and Iris. I don't mind it if you stayed here. And two... I want to stay closer to you and the baby... since you're planning to keep it. What do you say, Hanji? Stay here with me?"

"A-As long as you don't mind me and Iris staying here."

"Come on... it's fine."

I chuckled softly, shaking my head. "Should we tell the kids about the baby then?"

Levi smiled softly, kissing my cheek. "I have a feeling they already know. They did predict it a few weeks ago... little brats." He says softly with a slight chuckle. "But yeah, we can tell them. Want to go and get some breakfast?"

"I'm feeling some pancakes vibe."

He chuckles a bit more, shaking his head a bit. "How about we go and eat out for breakfast? Of course, you can get your pancakes. How's that?" He began to pull me out of the bathroom, smiling softly. "Come on... think of the pancakes at the restaurants... some bacon... eggs... etc..."

"Ugh... you're just... convincing. Fine." I chuckled a bit, following after him into the bedroom. "I'll go and wake the kids up."

*   *   *

Right after we ordered breakfast, we began to tell the little ones about how they were getting a sibling. No surprise, since they were somewhat planning about it. I say somewhat because they did predict it. Right now, they were going on a rant about what the baby should be. Iris argued for a girl while Eren argued for a boy. Hopefully... we would get twins to satisfy the both of them. Unfortunately, we can't control what child we get. But at least we will love them no matter what.

"So Mommy..." Iris began her words as she drinks her orange juice. "How are babies made? Is it really from birds or because you and Eren's daddy really liked each other and the bird comes down with the baby...?"

"Yeah... how are they made?" Eren asked brightly, but after a few seconds, he droops his head down. Almost like he was afraid to disappoint someone. 

Levi sighed, rubbing his temples. Children asking so much innocent questions was adorable, but stressful at best. I remember when I had to answer Iris' questions about how babies were made. She tried to think things so logically... inherited my intelligence at least. But I had to chalk it up to supernatural things until she got older.

"Daddy... I know you told me... but I wanna make sure."

"Well... as you know... when two people love each other very much... sometimes they do get a baby... sometimes they don't."

"Does that mean... you don't love my mommy anymore...?" 

That seemed to have stuck a nerve. Just seeing Levi freeze up... it was so unnatural. He's been open, yet stern. He would make a sarcastic remark about something, trying to ensure that Eren's above all. He was moving his lips, but no sound came out. To save him from this... I stepped in. Hopefully... it'll be enough for Levi to explain it properly at a different time.

"Well Eren... loving one person doesn't mean they don't love the other. It's like how... your dad might love me and love you, Eren. It doesn't mean that he doesn't love either of us. He also loves Iris too. He can love more than one person, Eren."

He begins to nod his head, slowly understanding. "So... he still likes my mommy?"

"Of course, Eren..." Levi says softly, smiling softly. "I love you all..."

"Okay then..."

I chuckled softly, leaning my head against Levi's shoulder. Mistakes will always happen... but sometimes... not all mistakes are bad. Some, like our baby, was a mistake... but it would never seem to be a mistake. 

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