Chapter 18: Our Promise

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Hanji's POV

My worries of Erwin were now gone. Thanks to Levi... it was gone. The stress began to lift off of my shoulders- a breath of freedom. His calls were no longer threatening over Iris. He was gone and out of our lives. I never noticed how much Levi was an influence on Iris... because she started to call him, daddy. I've never seen a smile this bright for the longest time on her innocent face. 

Farlan comes a-knocking at the front door, holding a small duffel bag. "Oh? Farlan? What are you doing here?" I asked as I opened the door. The kids got up from the TV, running over to Farlan- practically screaming at the top of their lungs to greet the man. "What's the occasion?"

He shrugged his shoulders, putting his duffel on the ground. "Well... Levi had asked me to watch the little ones the whole night. Said I can stay the whole night here as well. Where is that little midget?"

I chuckled a bit, turning behind me and Levi was walking out of his office. "Hey, Farlan." He had this usual scowl on his face, but it loosened a bit when he saw his friend. "Thanks for watching the kids tonight."

"Not a problem. After all, I'm somewhat of an uncle to these guys."

"Isabel's coming over?"

"Wanted to pick a few gifts for these little rascals."

Eren began to stomp his feet, but he wasn't pouting too much. Just a tad bit playful. "We're not rascals, Mr. Farlan! And we're not babies anymore."

Farlan had this way with kids... I somewhat admire it. His arms began to fold over each other as he crossed them. His face had this stern look, but you could tell he was faking it. "Oh? Not rascals or babies? I guess I can call Miss Isabel to not give your gifts-"

"Not fair!"

"Admit it- you're rascals."


Eren crossed his arms too, staring up at the tall man. He turns away, sighing heavily and mumbling under his breath. It was cute... "I-I am a rascal..."

Farlan chuckled, nodding his head. "I thought so- now come on, show me where Miss Isabel and I are gonna sleep, Eren. I'm not the master of this household. Let's bring the fair maiden Iris as well."


Those three ran off to some rooms together- and I had to turn to Levi for answers. Before I was able to open my mouth, he began to speak. First, he took my hand and pulled me down for a kiss. "Go get dressed, Hanji. Something... somewhat nice."

"What are you doing?"

"Taking you out to dinner. Now hurry- when the kids are distracted."

I chuckled a bit, kissing him and walking to the bedroom. "Fine... I'm going- but at least tell me where we're going."

Levi shook his head, "It's called a surprise, four-eyes. Go and get dressed. Nothing to fancy- just something nice."

*   *   *

"What's the occasion now, Levi?" I asked after 5 minutes into our night out. I continued asking the same question to no avail. Getting a bit repetitive, but Levi didn't seem to have minded. He just ignored me like I was some entitled child. "Please...?"

He chuckles softly, tapped his finger on my nose. "You are a grown woman- not a child."

"You've been ignoring me..."

"There's a reason, four-eyes." He chuckles a bit, leaning in his seat. "You're carrying a child- not reversing back to that stage of life. Grow up just a tad bit. Leave enough childish for the kids. Anyways... what's wrong with the idea of taking you out to dinner?"

My shoulders shrugged a bit as I looked down at the tablecloth. "My mind just wanders a bit... that's all."

"Want to take a guess?"

"Guessing games," I chuckled, "are one of my favorites."

"This is something I've never heard from you... why is that so?"

I chuckled softly, just smiling a bit. "I just love thinking. Kinda fits in my job description. I majored in biology and some psychology. Something about learning those two topics just makes me... interested in them. That's all..."

Levi smiles softly, reaching out to me. "Well... give me your guess then. Do all you can do."

This sly smile crept on his face... was he that certain of me not guessing it? I'll take your little gamble then. I've played too much with Erwin, let's see about it this time... "Alright then. I accept your challenge, Levi Ackerman."

We had a small appetizer arrive as I was deep in thought. So many ideas swarmed my head... I couldn't piece one together. I must've had Levi sitting in silence- eating away at the appetizer. With the ideas I had came up with... none didn't seem to take hold... so I had to admit my defeat. 

"I need a hint."

Levi, once more, gave this smirk. "A hint, huh? Well well... let me start the hint."

"Bring it, midget."

"This hint... it's a promise."

I could feel my hands slam against the table- but in reality, it didn't even happen. "T-That's too vague..."

"That's my hint. Give it up and I'll give you the answer."

Should I admit my defeat...? I sighed heavily, nodding my head. The time had come to admit my defeat. I sighed, nodded my head and looked to Levi's twinkling eyes. "Fine... I give. What's the answer, Levi?"

He leans forward, giving a small whisper. "Well... let's think back... back to the day we ran into each other... the day when we collided... almost felt like we weren't supposed to meet... but we have... feeling anything yet?"

I shook my head.

"Let me continue then. I didn't expect to fall in love with a woman like you. I extended my kindness to you because you were a friend- someone who was acting like a surrogate mother to Eren. I'm thankful for that..."

My cheeks grew warm with embarrassment. "W-Well..."

"At least let me finish..."

I nodded my head, letting him go further. I still haven't thought of what he was planning to do- or what this dinner was for. 

Levi looked down, sighing heavily. "Hanji..." He quickly takes my hand, smiling towards me. "I love you... and I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose you like how I lost Eren's mother... I've already gotten Iris' approval... even though it was so young for her to comprehend... she still wants me to make us a family..."

Then... it clicked... what he was trying to do... why was I so...

"Hanji... why don't we become a family... join us Ackermans, huh?" He was so clever with his hands- I didn't realize that his other hand was holding out a box- a ring... "What do you say?"

The hundreds of stares fell upon me... all I could do was the right thing... "Yes..."

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