Chapter 34: School...? Already...?

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Hanji's POV

Today was one of the biggest day. The little ones were heading off to kindergarten. I was awake early in the morning to help prepare them for school- mostly their first day lunches. As I was aware of... they were ecstatic. They woke up quite early, chuckling softly as they hurriedly put their best clothes on.

Levi, taking paternity leave, stayed and helped the kids as he was helping me with Raven. I could see a joyful smile growing on his cold face. He held Raven in one arm, trying to ensure that the incoming children won't run into him.

Packing up their lunches, I take Raven into my arms. "Levi, do you mind if I join in?"

He chuckles, nodding his head and opening the front door. "Just... just be careful, Hanji. I'm driving, of course."

Everything was all smiles and joy when we walked out the front door. Hopefully... just hopefully their pure, innocent smiles as they gradually move on with their lives. When the time comes and it'll be when their innocent faces dissolve. They would know the true nature of real life. What hides behind the masks that we hid the horrors of life.

*   *   *

The second we approached the front doors of the school, both of the little ones paused in their steps. When I turned to see them, their eyes were widening when they saw such a gigantic structure in front of them. 

I nudged Levi, gesturing to the kids with the tilt of my head. "You guys alright?" He asked, kneeling in front of them. "Something's wrong?"

Eren slowly nodded his head, practically falling onto his father's shoulder. "D-Daddy... w-what if there are meanie kids...?"

"Where did you hear that, Eren?"

Tears were starting to form already, and Eren couldn't stop it from falling. "T-The kids t-that you rescue... they say... they say that there are meanie kids... I-I don't wanna be friends with meanies... Daddy, I don't wanna go..."

Iris nodded her head slightly. "I-It's scary now... I-I don't know... it's so... big... I'm scared... are you both gonna leave us here all alone? Forever?"

Quickly, I shook my head and quickly approached them. "Iris, listen to me closely... I would never, I mean every, abandon you. Iris... I wouldn't leave you alone forever. Remember, we talked about this... this is a place for you to learn. Only Levi or me are allowed to pick you up. No one else. Understand that, okay, Iris?"

She was slowly understanding it. Eren... he was having the harder burden. He continued to look towards his father, holding back his falling tears. "Daddy..."

"Well... you can tell them that your father is a hero- and that you will be a hero too. Remember your superheroes, Eren. Not all of their past were good. But you know what they did to get through the hard times? Eren, do you know?"

Eren wipes his tears away, shaking his head. "N-No..."

"They believed in themselves. Trust yourself, and not their words. If they say anything mean, you tell them straight to the teacher. Your teacher and I will handle the rest. Just... believe in yourself. Be strong."

With those words of encouragement, Eren nodded. He wiped away his tears, grinning proudly. "Okay, Daddy!"

"Now... you guys... what's important here is to have fun. Listen to the teachers and don't cause trouble for anyone else. I mean it- have fun. Come on- it's not even time to say goodbyes yet. Let's go inside. Maybe you guys would have time exploring the building."

I don't understand how well Levi was with kids. He was kind, gentle, and understanding. I wonder if his job shaped him how he is now... or if he was like that before. Deep in my heart... I wish that I knew him before. But... would I have loved him before as I love him now? Would my heart be beating for him if Levi and I crossed paths...? I wonder...

But he was able to lift those two's spirits, and soon enough, they were happy and skipping their way to school. Raven started to coo sadly- almost like she was sad to see her older siblings go. But oh well... she would soon join them in the realm of school. She wouldn't be alone...

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