Chapter 10: Job Well Done

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Eren's POV

"Pan... cake... mixes...?" Iris asks with a yawn, rubbing her eyes. We woke up pretty early- right before Daddy goes to work. "We're making pancakes...?"

I nodded my head, getting out a big bowl. "Yep! And we're gonna add chocolate chips to them too! That's what Daddy always makes for me whenever I'm doing something very well! Like... behaving nicely... so it's always rare for me to do that." I shook my head, getting a big measuring cup. "Anyways, I've seen how Daddy makes it. He makes it really quickly before he leaves me with a babysitter."

Iris nodded her head a bit, climbing up on the stool. "Hm... I see... now... it's just to add water, right?"


She looked at the stove, quickly turning it on. She ran through all the cabinets, putting out this large pan on the stove. When I watched her putting a bit of oil in the pan... I knew that I wouldn't be able to start a fire. She was getting ahead of me! And she was younger than me! Not fair! I quickly added water into the bowl of the pancake mix. I stirred it around, and then I added the chocolate chips into the mix.

It wasn't long until I grabbed a big spoon. "Is it hot enough, Iris?"




"Go!" We both shout, giggling as we put the batter into the pan. It started to sizzle and making so many noises. Iris found the spatula and she was waiting until it was ready to flip.

It was a lot of hard work- how does Daddy make it so easy to make?! But these pancakes were so big... we were arguing about how many pancakes we should make for Miss Hanji and Daddy. But then... if they really, really like each other... then they wouldn't mind to share. 

While Iris was flipping the pancakes, I was busy trying to make the hot water Miss Hanji's coffee and Daddy's tea. I took out both cups out of the microwave, dipping Daddy's black tea bag into the bubbling water. Iris told me that to make her mommy's coffee... I just needed a few scoops of the stinky coffee into the water. 

Soon... we got 3 big pancakes onto a big plate. I got the little toy cart from my playroom and used that to put the pancakes on there while we went over to Daddy's room with the hot drinks.  The syrup was already soaking into the pancakes... but it was alright. Daddy said that it was completely alright.

*   *   *

Levi's POV

The frequent knocking at the door just started to annoy me. It was too... too early. My eyes glanced over to the clock... 6:53 am. "Eren..."

Hanji twisted and turned in the bed, groaning. "W-What?"

"The kids." I grunted as I pushed myself out of the bed. "Eren, hold on. Give me a few minutes, okay?"

There was a slight muffled voice behind the door- I could hear it was Eren. The words were a bit... muffled, of course... but I thought I could've heard him say something along the lines of: "Okay, Daddy."

Hanji was also getting dressed- mostly because that if my son was up at the door, it would've meant that Iris wasn't that far off. After all, those two were sleeping next door. If one was awake, the other would've been awake. Whatever they were doing... it wouldn't have been good. According to Hanji, Iris was known to be a very good troublemaker. Eren, of course, was a good troublemaker as well. Unfortunately... adding a good troublemaker and another good troublemaker together does not cancel each other out. The outcome would've been positive either way.

Once Hanji was fully dressed, I opened the bedroom door and saw the little ones with the pancakes in one of Eren's little cart. They somewhat pushed themselves into the room, giggling. Eren went over to me with a cup of tea while Iris went over to Hanji with some sort of coffee.

"Surprise!" The little ones say with a giggle. 

I chuckled a bit, taking the tea from Eren, pointing at the pancakes. "Did you guys burn the kitchen down? Should I be worried by the time I get into the kitchen, guys?"

Eren shook his head, pointing his finger at Iris. "She was helping me! We didn't burn anything! Try it, Daddy! Try it!"

I chuckled a bit, taking a fork and cutting into the pancake. "Wait!" Iris shouts, running over to me. She looked a bit panicky... "Don't eat yet!"

"Why not?"

She turns to her mother, tucking her hands behind her back. "Mommy, you need to eat with Mr. Levi!"

"Eh? Why?" Hanji asks, stepping towards the pancakes as well. "Real question... why did you guys do this? Were we too asleep that you guys made breakfast for us? Or was there some other reason for this...?"

Iris giggled softly, tapping on her mother's shoulder. "You always liked it when we had breakfast in bed. So we made pancakes in bed for the two of you! Eren and I know that you guys really, really like each other. So it's like a party for our sibling!"

Fear began to seep into me. I could feel the blood being drained from my face. Hanji and I both lifted our heads, exchanging worrying looks. Though... it could've been my fault. I did say to Eren that babies are made when two people really like each other... ugh... we're too open about our relationship.

"Thanks for the pancakes, you two." Hanji says, beckoning me to come closer. "We'll enjoy the breakfast you've made for us."

I chuckled a bit, biting into the pancakes. "Eren, I hope you did clean up the kitchen."

"Uh oh..."

"We'll help clean it up." I say softly, chuckling a bit. That morning... the kids did the unexpected... making us some breakfast and somewhat reading into the future about what might be to come.

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